Edwin Sara1
M, ID1922
Last Edited | 31 Mar 2019 |
Marriage | s 1880 | Mary Anna O'Brien |
Birth of son | c 1884 | Edgar Wilfred Sara; Burra, SA2 |
Occupation | at Nov 1928 | News Agent3 |
Family |
Mary Anna O'Brien | |
Child | 1. | Edgar Wilfred Sara+ b. c 1884, d. 14 Mar 1948 |
- Marriage Certificate: Sara, Edgar W & Walker, Ruth G [0127+0126], Registration No. 1928/11787, Registered 13 Nov 1928, PDF image acquired 21 Jun 2009 from Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages at online.justice.vic.gov.au, hereafter called Marriage Certificate SaEW+WaRG; photocopy in Researcher's family history papers, ID0127. Given name, surname.
- Marriage Certificate SaEW+WaRG. Age 44 at DOM 13 Nov 1928, POB.
- Marriage Certificate SaEW+WaRG. Occupation.
Mary Anna O'Brien
F, ID1923
Last Edited | 31 Mar 2019 |
Marriage | s 1880 | Edwin Sara |
Married Name | s 1880 | Sara |
Birth of son | c 1884 | Edgar Wilfred Sara; Burra, SA1 |
Family |
Edwin Sara | |
Child | 1. | Edgar Wilfred Sara+ b. c 1884, d. 14 Mar 1948 |
- Marriage Certificate: Sara, Edgar W & Walker, Ruth G [0127+0126], Registration No. 1928/11787, Registered 13 Nov 1928, PDF image acquired 21 Jun 2009 from Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages at online.justice.vic.gov.au, hereafter called Marriage Certificate SaEW+WaRG; photocopy in Researcher's family history papers, ID0127. Age 44 at DOM 13 Nov 1928, POB.
(?) (?)
F, ID1926, (-21 Jun 1928)
Last Edited | 31 Mar 2019 |
Marriage | s 1910 | Edgar Wilfred Sara; No children.1 |
Married Name | s 1910 | (?) Sara2 |
Death | 21 Jun 1928 | 3 |
Family |
Edgar Wilfred Sara b. c 1884, d. 14 Mar 1948 |
- Marriage Certificate: Sara, Edgar W & Walker, Ruth G [0127+0126], Registration No. 1928/11787, Registered 13 Nov 1928, PDF image acquired 21 Jun 2009 from Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages at online.justice.vic.gov.au, hereafter called Marriage Certificate SaEW+WaRG; photocopy in Researcher's family history papers, ID0127. Married prior to marriage to Ruth Walker, Memo1.
- Marriage Certificate SaEW+WaRG. Married prior to marriage to Ruth Walker.
- Marriage Certificate SaEW+WaRG. DOD.
Charles John Mugliston1
M, ID1927
Last Edited | 31 Mar 2019 |
Birth of daughter | 20 Oct 1874 | Emma Sarah (Em) Mugliston; Devonport, Devon, ENGLAND2,3 |
Occupation | at Dec 1898 | British Army; > Barrack Sergeant.4 |
AddressOld | at Dec 1898 | Hilsea Barracks, Hilsea, Portsmoutth, Hampshire, ENGLAND; > Assumed to be parents and at least 2 children.5 Resident: Emma Sarah (Em) Mugliston |
Family |
Child | 1. | Emma Sarah (Em) Mugliston+ b. 20 Oct 1874, d. 29 Apr 1955 |
- Marriage Certificate: Walker, James & Mugliston, Emma S [0113+0120], Registration No. Unclear, District of Portsea Island, County of Portsmouth, Certified copy issued 27 Sep ???? By General Register Office, London, hereafter called Marriage Certificate WaJ+MuES; poor photocopy in Researcher's family history papers, ID0113. Given names, surname.
- Family history chart: James Walker's family, believed to have been compiled by Kathleen Patricia Elston ca 1991, hereafter called FH chart, Walker/James; photocopy held in Researcher's family history papers, ID0113. DOB, POB.
- FreeBMD transcription of the England and Wales Civil Registration index of births, marriages and deaths at freebmd.org.uk, formerly freebmd.rootsweb.com; hereafter called FreeBMD UK. Birth Registration Vol. 5b, Page 317 [Emma Sarah Mugliston], viewed 31 Aug 2009: QOBR Mar 1875, Registration District Stoke Damerel (later called Devonport), Devon.
- Marriage Certificate WaJ+MuES. Rank or Profession.
- Marriage Certificate WaJ+MuES. Date, Address.
Ernest Roy (Ralph) Hines1
M, ID1937, (7 Jul 1901-)
Last Edited | 28 Jul 2023 |
Father | Joseph Edward Hines b. 1865, d. 15 Oct 1950 | |
Mother | Mary Ann Wilkinson b. 1869, d. 20 Jun 1926 |
Note | > Ernest is the father of my second cousin's husband. There are interesting events and gaps in his life, and this is a quick summary of both. His birth entry gives his name as Ernest R and he was generally referred to as Ernest Roy, but sometimes known as Ralph. His son's death entry cites his father as Ernest Valentine R, but perhaps the second given name was an error by the informant (maybe the son?). The son was Ernest Valentine Ralph, known as Billy. He was born in Blayney in 1901, and his family remained there until at least 1909, when the youngest child ws born. At the age of 16, Ernest was in Sydney and charged with breaking, entering and stealing on Christmas Eve 1917 in the suburb of Penshurst. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 9 months gaol but, as a first offender, released (self and one surety in £10 each) on 12 months good behaviour bond. > Ernest is the father of my second cousin's husband. There are interesting events and gaps in his life, and this is a quick summary of both. His birth entry gives his name as Ernest R and he was generally referred to as Ernest Roy, but sometimes as Ralph. His son's death entry (in 1966) cites his father as Ernest Valentine R, but perhaps the second given name was an error by the informant. The son was Ernest Valentine Ralph, known as Billy. Ernest was born in Blayney in 1901, and his family remained there until at least 1909, when the youngest child was born. They probably moved to Sydney between 1909 and 1917. Ernest was in Sydney late in 1917 when he was charged with breaking, entering and stealing on Christmas Eve in the suburb of Penshurst. In March 1918, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 9 months gaol but, as a first offender, released (self and one surety in £10 each) on 12 months good behaviour bond. On 3 Sep 1921 at age 20, he married Annie Rose HUNT in Hurstville. But warrants for his arrest for wife desertion were issued in Nov and Dec 1921. He and his wife said in later court hearings that they’d lived together for 5-6 months, but it appears to have been much less than that. His first daughter, Ivy Lillian, was born on 22 Feb 1922. A son, Douglas James, was born late in 1923, so there must have been some conjugal visits after Ernest’s desertion. Unless, of course, Douglas was fathered by someone else – birth certificate (which will be available late in 1923) could make that clear. Ernest was arrested early in 1923 for failing to pay family support and was gaoled until payment was made. A further warrant for failure to pay maintenance was issued early in 1924. He was again arrested in May 1927 and gaoled until payment was made. In April 1925, Ernest had married Gwendoline BAILEY (a week before her 16th birthday) in Grenfell and their first son, Ernest (known a Billy) was born 7 months later. Another son, Barney, was born in Feb 1927. Ernest’s bigamous marriage was discovered while he was in Bathurst Gaol (for failing to pay maintenance) and he was charged in Jun 1927, and tried in Cowra 2 months later. Ernest pleaded guilty and asked for leniency. However, he lied about his prior convictions and said that he’d written to his wife and, as she did not reply, he assumed she was dead – the judge did not believe him. Ernest said his first wife had applied for a divorce, and he would then marry his second wife. His 2 wives were present at the trial and gave evidence. He was sentenced to 12 months in gaol with hard labour. If Ernest and Gwendoline did get together again, it was not for long as she married Lawrence SAWYER on 7 Nov 1928 in Grenfell. ====== to be confirmed Ernest’s first wife Annie had married Walter GOODWIN in 1926 (before Ernest’s trial). They stayed in the same area of Sydney (Riverwood at the time of her death). Walter died in 1971 and when Annie died in 1987, she had 11 children, 31 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. | |
Birth | 7 Jul 1901 | Blayney, NSW2 |
Court | Mar 1918 | Sydney, NSW; > 1. Apprehensions entry in NSW Police Gazette, 13 Feb 1918 [Issue 7], page 77: Ernest Roy Hines (16½), charged with breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Michael Henry Pearse, and stealing jewellery, value £2 10s., has been arrested by Constables Bragg and Muffet, Sydney Police. Committed for trial at Quarter Sessions. 2. News in Brief article in The Propeller (Hurstville), 15 Feb 1918, page 2: At the Kogarah Police Court last week Ernest Roy Hines was charged with breaking and entering and stealing a quantity of jewellery valued at £2/10/- from the dwelling of Michael Henry Pearce, at Penshurst. Accused pleaded guilty and was committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions. 3. Law Reports article in Sydney Morning Herald, 13 Mar 1918, page 9: QUARTER SESSIONS. (Before Judge Hamilton and Juries.) Mr. H. Harris for the Crown. PLEAS OF GUILTY. Ernest Roy Hines pleaded guilty to a charge of having broken and entered the dwelling house of Michael Henry Pearce, at Penshurst, on December 24, and stealing money and jewellery. Mr. J. W. Abigail represented the prisoner, who was sentenced to imprisonment, with hard labour, in Goulburn Gaol, for nine months, but released under the provisions of the First Offenders section of the Crimes Act. 4. First Offendors Discharged under Crimes Act of 1900 in Police Gazette, 20 March 1918 [Issue 12], page 128: Ernest Roy Hines (16½), tried at the Sydney Quarter Sessions on 12th March, 1918, breaking, entering, and stealing; sentence, nine months’ hard labour. To be of good behaviour for twelve months (vide Police Gazette, 1918, page 77). 5. Return of Prisoners tried at Circuit Courts and Courts of Quarter Sessions, NSW Police Gazette, 24 Apr 1918 [Issue 17], page 192: Name: Ernest Roy HINES. Offence: Break, enter, and steal. On whom committed: Michael Henry Pearce. Where and when tried: Sydney Quarter Sessions, 4 March 1918. Sentence: 9 months Hard Labour. Sentence suspended, self and one surety in £10 each to be of good behaviour for 12 months. |
Marriage | 3 Sep 1921 | Annie Rose Hilda Blanche Hunt; Hurstville, NSW3 |
Court | Nov 1921 | > 1. Entry under Deserting Wives and Families, Service, etc. in NSW Police Gazette, 9 Nov 1921 [Issue 45], page 642 : Kogarah.—A warrant has been issued by the Kogarah Bench for the arrest of Ernest Roy Hines, charged with wife desertion. He is 20 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, medium build, dark-brown wavy hair worn long, dark complexion, dark-brown eyes, clean shaved, horses head surrounded with roses tattooed on the right bicep; generally wears a brown suit with pleats in the back of the coat, and a straw hat; labourer or tipcart driver. Is believed to have gone to the Hay district in search of harvesting work. Complainant, Annie Rose Hines, Lyndhurst, Bond’s-road, Peakhurst. 2. Entry under Deserting Wives and Families, Service, etc. in NSW Police Gazette, 28 Dec 1921 [Issue 52], page 743: Hurstville.—A warrant has been issued by the Kogarah Bench for the arrest of Ernest Roy Hines, charged with disobeying a magisterial order for the support of his wife (£2 due). He is 20 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, medium build, dark complexion, long dark-brown wavy hair, dark-brown eyes, clean shaved; has a horse’s head surrounded with roses tattooed on the right bicep; dressed in a brown suit with pleats in the back of the coat, and straw hat; a tip-cart driver; may go to Orange. 3. Apprehensions entry in NSW Police Gazette, 25 Apr 1923 [Issue 17], page 230: Ernest Roy Hines (21), charged on warrant with disobeying a magisterial order for the support of his wife (£2 due) has been arrested by Constable Wurth, Sydney Police. Charge withdrawn. Recharged with neglecting to pay the sum of £75 due on the same order. Committed to gaol until the order is complied with. 4. Entry under Deserting Wives and Families, Service, etc. in NSW Police Gazette, 9 Apr 1924 [Issue 15], page 195: Hurstville.—A warrant has been issued by the Kogarah Bench for the arrest of Ernest Roy Hines, charged with disobeying a magisterial order for the support of his wife (£7 and 8s. costs due). He is 22 years of age, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, thin build, dark complexion, brown hair and eyes, clean shaved; dressed in a dark navv-blue suit, tan boots and a grey felt hat; a tip-dray carter. 5. Apprehensions entry in NSW Police Gazette, 1 Jun 1927 [Issue 22], page 321: ERNEST ROY HINES, alias RALPH HINES, charged on warrant with disobeying a magisterial order for the support of his wife (£7 and 8s. costs due), has been arrested by Constables Beaton and Flint, Grenfell Police, on information supplied by Constable Muffet, Hurstville Police. Charge withdrawn. Recharged with neglecting to pay the sum of £147 due on the same order. To be imprisoned until the order is complied with. Wife: Annie R B Hines |
Birth of daughter | 22 Feb 1922 | Ivy Lillian Hines; Peakhurst, NSW4,5 |
Birth of son | 1923 | Douglas James Hines; Sydney, NSW |
Marriage | 25 Apr 1925 | Gwendoline May Bailey; Grenfell, NSW; > Cemetery inscription for son Billy says "Our Brother" so there are at least 2 other children who were still living in the late 1960s.6,7,8 |
Birth of son | 30 Nov 1925 | Ernest Valentine Ralph (Billy) Hines; Grenfell, NSW9,10 |
Court | Jun 1927 | Grenfell, NSW; > 1. 'Here and There' Article in The Sun (Sydney), 10 Jun 1927, page 16: BIGAMY CHARGE GRENFELL, Friday,— Before Mr. Scobie, P.M., at the police court to-day, Ernest Roy Hines, alias Ralph Hines, aged 25, was charged with bigamy, in that he married on April 25, 1925, at Grenfell, Gwendoline May Bailey, while his wife (formerly Annie Rose Hunt), whom he married on September 13, 1921, was still alive. 2. Country News item in Sydney Morning Herald, 14 Jun 1927, page 10: GRENFELL.—At the local police court Ernest Roy Hines, alias Ralph Hines, 25 years, was committed for trial on a charge of bigamy. 3. Article in The Leader (Orange), 15 Jun 1927, page 2: GRENFELL BIGAMY CASE. At last week's Grenfell Court, Ernest Roy Hines, alias Ralph Hines, (aged 25) was charged for that on the third day of September, 1921, he did, at Peakhurst, in the state of New South Wales, marry Annie Rose Hunt, and that the said Ernest Roy Hines alias Ralph Hines while he was so married did on the 25th day of April, 1925, at Grenfell, in the said State marry Gwendoline May Bailey, the said Annie Rose Hines, formerly Hunt, being then alive. Hines was committed for trial. 4. Article in The Forbes Advocate, 17 Jun 1927, page 8: At the Police Court on Thursday last Ernest Roy Hines, at present a confinee of Bathurst Gaol for disobeying a maintenance order, was charged with marrying Gwendoline May Bailey, at Grenfell, a girl of 15 years, on April 25, 1927, whilst his wife, nee Annie Rose Hunt, whom he married at Peakhurst on September 3, 1921, was still alive. Both women were present in Court and gave evidence. Bailey [ie, Hines] was committed to stand his trial for bigamy at Cowra Sessions on the 9th August. There were two children, the issue of each marriage. Bailey [ie, Hines] was originally arrested for not complying with an order taken out by his first wife. 5. Article in The Burrowa News, 24 Jun 1927, page 4: BIGAMY CHARGE At the Grenfell Police Court on Thursday of last week, before Mr. Scobie, P.M., Ernest Roy Hines, alias Ralph Hines (25), was charged that on 3rd September, 1924, he did at Peakhurst, marry Annie Rose Hunt, and that while he was so married, he did on 25th April, 1926, at Grenfell, marry Gwendoline May Bailey. Committed for trial at next Quarter Sessions to be held at Cowra on Tuesday, 9th August. 6. Article in NSW Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime, 13 Jul 1927, page 395: Bigamy. Grenfell—ERNEST ROY HINES, alias RALPH HINES, brought before the Grenfell Bench on a writ of habeas corpus at the instance of Sergeant 1st Class Tracey and Constables Beaton, Flint and Muffet, Grenfell and Hurstville Police, charged that he did, at Peakhurst, on the 3rd September, 1921, marry Annie Rose Hunt, and that while so married, did, at Grenfell, on the 25th April 1925, marry Gwendoline May Bailey, the said Annie Rose Hines (formerly Hunt) being then alive, has been committed for-trial at Cowra Sessions. 7. Article in Cowra Free Press, 9 Aug 1927, page 3: A BIGAMIST SENTENCED TO TWELVE MONTHS HARD LABOR. ACCUSED SAID HE BELIEVED HIS FIRST WIFE DEAD. JUDGE ARMSTRONG DOES NOT BELIEVE HIM. To-day a young man named Ernest Roy Hines pleaded guilty before his Honor, Judge Armstrong, to having at Grenfell on May 25th, 1925, gone through the ceremony of marriage with Gertrude May Bailey, while his wife, Annie Hunt, to whom he was married on 3rd September, 1921, at Peakhurst, was still alive. Accused in a statement, said he believed his wife to have been dead at the time of the offence. It was stated there were two children by the first marriage, one 5 and the other 3. Accused was sentenced to 12 months in Bathurst Gaol with hard labor. Further details of the case will appear in Friday's "Free Press." 8. Article in Cowra Free Press, 12 Aug 1927, page 3: A BIGAMIST SENTENCED TO TWELVE MONTHS IMPRISONMENT. IN BATHURST GAOL WITH HARD LABOR. A young man named Ernest Roy Hines was on Tuesday, before his Honor, Judge Armstrong, charged with having on September 3, 1921, at Peakhurst, having gone through ceremony of marriage with Annie Rose Hunt, he did at Grenfell, on April 25, again go through the marriage ceremony with Gertrude May Bailey, whilst his wife was alive. Accused pleaded guilty and asked for leniency. In reply to his Honor's query as to whether he wished to say anything, he said: I have never been in gaol before. This is not a criminal act. My first wife has applied for a divorce and when it is granted I intend to right any wrong I have done. I have never been in trouble before. His Honor: There is a conviction against you for breaking and entering and stealing at Sydney Quarter Sessions. How can you say this is your first offence? Why tell lies? Accused (looking surprised and obviously ill at ease): I meant it is the first time I have been in gaol. His Honor: I suppose your wife is applying for a divorce on account of your conduct with this other woman? Accused: Yes. His Honor: Was the divorce mentioned at the other Court? Accused: No. His Honor: Where is she applying? Did she notify you? Accused: A Constable from Sydney told me she was applying for a divorce. His Honor: If your wife is applying for a divorce simply on account of your conduct in this matter it does not assist you. I will not pass sentence until 2 o'clock. I want to act in your favor if I can, but as you have already a sentence recorded against you, you can't be having them suspended every time! When the Court resumed at 2 p.m., accused said: Three years ago I wrote three letters to my wife and she did not answer them. Then again I wrote from Bathurst Gaol and got no reply. I did not know whether she was dead or alive. His Honor: You left your first wife with a girl of 5 and a boy of 3 to support. Accused: We only lived together for five months after our marriage. His Honor: She says six months. Accused: Yes. Five or six months. His Honor: I can't see anything mitigating in your conduct. Your record is not a good one. Accused: My last trouble was eight or nine years ago and I have not been in trouble since. His Honor: I say I cannot see any mitigating circumstances. This woman was deserted and a second child born after you left her. I'm not taking into account that you were in prison for failing to support your wife. I think your statement re thinking she might be dead is all bosh, and I hope I am not going too far in saying so. You are sentenced to twelve months in Bathurst Gaol with hard labor. 9. Article in Newcastle Sun, 12 Aug 1927, page 16: Guilty of Bigamy.— Ernest Roy Hines, a young man, was charged at the Cowra Quarter Session with bigamy. His defence was that he did not know whether his first wife was alive, as she had not answered the letters he had written to her. Judge Armstrong sentenced Hines to 12 months' imprisonment. 10. Article in Carcoar Chronicle, 12 Aug 1927, page 1: Bigamist Sentenced AT COWRA SESSIONS. Quarter Sessions opened in Cowra on Tuesday, before His Honor, Judge Armstrong. Only one criminal case was listed, and as the accused has signified his intention of pleading, the jurors were notified their attendance would not be required. Ernest Roy Hines, a young man, was charged that having on September 3, 1921, gone through the ceremony of marriage at Peakhurst, he did at Grenfell, on April 23, 1923, again go through the marriage ceremony with a young woman whilst his wife was alive. Accused pleaded guilty from the dock and asked to be dealt with leniently. His Honor: Do you want to say anything? Accused: This is my first offence; and my first wife has applied for a divorce, and when it is granted I intend to go through the marriage ceremony with my second wife. His Honor (reading a document): Have you ever been in trouble before? Accused: No, Your Honor. His Honor: I notice a man named Ernest Roy Hines was found guilty for breaking, entering and stealing in Sydney. Is that person identical with you ? Accused (looking surprised) : Yes. His Honor: Why did you tell me a lie? Accused: I meant I was never in gaol before. His Honor: I take it that your first wife is applying for a divorce on account of your unfaithful conduct with the second woman? Accused: Yes. His Honor: Did your first wife notify you she was seeking a divorce? Accused: No. I heard from a policeman from Sydney. His Honor: I won't pass sentence till 2 o'clock. I want to do something in your favor if I can, but as you were found guilty of stealing, I can't see how I can help you. You can't get your sentences reduced every time, you know. ONE YEAR'S HARD LABOR. When the court resumed at 2 o'clock His Honor again asked Hines if he had anything to say. Hines: I would like to say some years ago I wrote two letters to my wife and never got an answer. I also wrote her one letter while I was in gaol and she never replied. I did not know if she got the letters or not, and I didn't know if she was alive or dead when I married the second time. His Honor: You married your second wife leaving the first one with two children to support. Hines: There was only one child when I left her. We only lived together for five months after our marriage. His Honor: I don't see anything mitigating in your explanation. Your record is not a good one. Hines: My last trouble was 8 or 9 years ago; I have never been in trouble since. Judge: "All Bosh." His Honor: I cannot see any mitigating circumstances. This woman has been deserted and a second child born to her after you left her. I'm not taking seriously into account what you say about thinking your first wife was dead. If I am not going too far I class that kind of talk as all bosh. His Honor then sentenced Hines to one years's hard labor in Bathurst gaol. 11. Country News article in Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Aug 1927, page 12: GUILTY OF BIGAMY. COWRA, Thursday. Ernest Roy Hines, a young man, was charged at the Quarter Sessions with bigamy. His defence was that he did not know whether his first wife was alive, as she had not answered the letters he had written to her. Judge Armstrong sentenced Hines to 12 months' imprisonment. 12. General News Article in Queanbeyan Age, 12 Aug 1927, page 2: At Cowra Quarter Sessions, Ernest Roy Hines was sentenced to twelve months hard labor for bigamy. Hines said that he wrote to his first wife and getting no reply concluded that she was dead. 13. Article in Glen Innes Examiner 13 Aug 1927, page 1: A YEAR FOR BIGAMY Young Man's Two Wives. COWRA, Saturday. Ernest Roy Hines, a young man, pleaded guilty at Cowra Quarter Sessions to having at Grenfell, on May 25, 1925, gone through the ceremony of marriage with Gertrude May Bailey while his wife, Annie Hunt, to whom he was married on September 3, 1921, at Peakhurst, was still alive. There were two children by the first marriage. Accused, in a statement, said he believed his wife to have been dead at the time of the second marriage. He was sentenced to twelve months' hard labor in Bathurst Gaol. 14. Article in Labor Daily (Sydney), 13 Aug 1927, page 1: COUNTRY BIGAMY TWELVE MONTHS' GAOL COWRA, Friday. Ernest Roy Hines, a young man, pleaded guilty at Cowra Sessions to having at Grenfell on May 25, 1925, gone through the ceremony of marriage with Gertrude May Bailey, while his wife, Annie Hunt, to whom he was married on September 3, 1921, at Peakhurst, was still alive. There were two children by the first marriage. Accused, in a statement, said he believed his wife to have been dead at the time of the second marriage. He was sentenced to 12 months' hard labor in Bathurst gaol. 15. Items of Interest article in Goulburn Evening Penny Post, 15 Aug 1927, page 2: 12 MONTHS FOR BIGAMY At Cowra Quarter Sessions, Ernest Roy Hines was sentenced to twelve months' hard labour for bigamy. Hines said that he wrote to his first wife, and getting no reply concluded that she was dead. 16. Article in The Uralla Times, 15 Aug 1927, page 2: Ernest Roy Hines. a young man, was charged at the Cowra Quarter Sessions with bigamy. His defence was that he did not know whether his first wife was alive, as she had not answered the letters he had written to her. Judge Armstrong sentenced Hines to 12 months' imprisonment. 17. Return of Prisoners Tried at the Different Circuit Courts and Courts of Quarter Session in NSW Police Gazette, 17 Aug 1927 [Issue 33], page 474: Name: Ernest Roy HINES; Offence: Bigamy; On whom committed: Annie Rose Hunt; Where tried: Cowra Quarter Sessions; Date of conviction or Acquittal etc: 9 Aug 1927; Sentence: 12 months Hard Labor. 18. Article in The Forbes Advocate, 19 Aug 1927, page 8: Ernest Roy Hines, who was committed from the Grenfell Court to the Cowra Quarter Sessions, on a charge of bigamy, was last week sentenced to one year's hard labor. It was alleged that he went through the ceremony of marriage at Peakhurst in 1921, and again in 1923 at Grenfell, whilst his first wife was still alive.11 ![]() Wife: Gwendoline May Bailey Wife: Annie Rose Hilda Blanche Hunt |
Family 1 |
Annie Rose Hilda Blanche Hunt d. 1987 | |
Children | 1. | Ivy Lillian Hines b. 22 Feb 1922 |
2. | Douglas James Hines b. 1923 |
Family 2 |
Gwendoline May Bailey b. 5 May 1909, d. 5 May 1971 | |
Child | 1. | Ernest Valentine Ralph (Billy) Hines b. 30 Nov 1925, d. 3 Jul 1966 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1847. Registration No.25673/1966 [Ernest Valentine R HINES, parents Ernest Valentine R & Gwendlin May], accessed 4 Jul 2009 & 15 Jul 2023: Father's Given names, Initial, Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 20308/1901 [Ernest R HINES, parents Joseph E & Mary A], accessed 15 Jul 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Blayney.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 15447/1921 [Ernest R HINES + Annie R HUNT], accessed 16 Jul 2023: DOM [by reduction], Registration District Hurstville.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 2618/1922 [Ivy L HINES, parents Ernest R & Annie R B], accessed 17 Jul 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Hurstville.
- Ancestry Public Member Tree entitled Burt/Thorne Tree, owned by Jennie Burt, accessed at https://www.ancestry.com.au; hereafter called Ancestry PMTree/Jennie Burt; copy not retained. Site accessed 18 Jul 2023: DOB, POB Peakhurst.
Original source: None recorded. - NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy at ID1847. Registration No.25673/1966 [Ernest Valentine R HINES, parents Ernest Valentine R & Gwendlin May], accessed 4 Jul 2009 & 15 Jul 2023: Marriage of parents inferred.
- Forbes Family History Group, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts (Published by Forbes Family History Group, Forbes, 2002), hereafter called Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts; copy in Researcher's Library. Vol 1, page 34: Memo.
- NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 6367/1925 [Ralph HINES + Gwendoline M BAILEY], accessed 16 Jul 2023: DOM [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts, Vol 1, page 34: Age 40 at DOD 3 Jul 1966.
- Ancestry Public Member Tree entitled Hines Family Tree, owned by ozeboy69, accessed at https://www.ancestry.com.au; hereafter called Ancestry PMTree/ozeboy69; copy not retained. Site accessed 14 Jul 2023: DOB, POB.
Original sources: 8 x Public Member Trees. - The Sun (Sydney) newspaper, published daily from 1910 to 1954 in Sydney, NSW; hereafter called Sun (Sydney)/Trove; accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID1937. 10 Jun 1927, p16, accessed 16 Jul 2023: Date, Place, Memo..
Gwendoline May Bailey
F, ID1938, (5 May 1909-5 May 1971)
Last Edited | 17 Jul 2023 |
Birth | 5 May 1909 | Grenfell, NSW1,2 |
Marriage | 25 Apr 1925 | Ernest Roy (Ralph) Hines; Grenfell, NSW; > Cemetery inscription for son Billy says "Our Brother" so there are at least 2 other children who were still living in the late 1960s.3,4,5 |
Married Name | 25 Apr 1925 | Hines |
Birth of son | 30 Nov 1925 | Ernest Valentine Ralph (Billy) Hines; Grenfell, NSW6,7 |
(Wife) Court | Jun 1927 | Ernest Roy (Ralph) Hines; Grenfell, NSW; > 1. 'Here and There' Article in The Sun (Sydney), 10 Jun 1927, page 16: BIGAMY CHARGE GRENFELL, Friday,— Before Mr. Scobie, P.M., at the police court to-day, Ernest Roy Hines, alias Ralph Hines, aged 25, was charged with bigamy, in that he married on April 25, 1925, at Grenfell, Gwendoline May Bailey, while his wife (formerly Annie Rose Hunt), whom he married on September 13, 1921, was still alive. 2. Country News item in Sydney Morning Herald, 14 Jun 1927, page 10: GRENFELL.—At the local police court Ernest Roy Hines, alias Ralph Hines, 25 years, was committed for trial on a charge of bigamy. 3. Article in The Leader (Orange), 15 Jun 1927, page 2: GRENFELL BIGAMY CASE. At last week's Grenfell Court, Ernest Roy Hines, alias Ralph Hines, (aged 25) was charged for that on the third day of September, 1921, he did, at Peakhurst, in the state of New South Wales, marry Annie Rose Hunt, and that the said Ernest Roy Hines alias Ralph Hines while he was so married did on the 25th day of April, 1925, at Grenfell, in the said State marry Gwendoline May Bailey, the said Annie Rose Hines, formerly Hunt, being then alive. Hines was committed for trial. 4. Article in The Forbes Advocate, 17 Jun 1927, page 8: At the Police Court on Thursday last Ernest Roy Hines, at present a confinee of Bathurst Gaol for disobeying a maintenance order, was charged with marrying Gwendoline May Bailey, at Grenfell, a girl of 15 years, on April 25, 1927, whilst his wife, nee Annie Rose Hunt, whom he married at Peakhurst on September 3, 1921, was still alive. Both women were present in Court and gave evidence. Bailey [ie, Hines] was committed to stand his trial for bigamy at Cowra Sessions on the 9th August. There were two children, the issue of each marriage. Bailey [ie, Hines] was originally arrested for not complying with an order taken out by his first wife. 5. Article in The Burrowa News, 24 Jun 1927, page 4: BIGAMY CHARGE At the Grenfell Police Court on Thursday of last week, before Mr. Scobie, P.M., Ernest Roy Hines, alias Ralph Hines (25), was charged that on 3rd September, 1924, he did at Peakhurst, marry Annie Rose Hunt, and that while he was so married, he did on 25th April, 1926, at Grenfell, marry Gwendoline May Bailey. Committed for trial at next Quarter Sessions to be held at Cowra on Tuesday, 9th August. 6. Article in NSW Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime, 13 Jul 1927, page 395: Bigamy. Grenfell—ERNEST ROY HINES, alias RALPH HINES, brought before the Grenfell Bench on a writ of habeas corpus at the instance of Sergeant 1st Class Tracey and Constables Beaton, Flint and Muffet, Grenfell and Hurstville Police, charged that he did, at Peakhurst, on the 3rd September, 1921, marry Annie Rose Hunt, and that while so married, did, at Grenfell, on the 25th April 1925, marry Gwendoline May Bailey, the said Annie Rose Hines (formerly Hunt) being then alive, has been committed for-trial at Cowra Sessions. 7. Article in Cowra Free Press, 9 Aug 1927, page 3: A BIGAMIST SENTENCED TO TWELVE MONTHS HARD LABOR. ACCUSED SAID HE BELIEVED HIS FIRST WIFE DEAD. JUDGE ARMSTRONG DOES NOT BELIEVE HIM. To-day a young man named Ernest Roy Hines pleaded guilty before his Honor, Judge Armstrong, to having at Grenfell on May 25th, 1925, gone through the ceremony of marriage with Gertrude May Bailey, while his wife, Annie Hunt, to whom he was married on 3rd September, 1921, at Peakhurst, was still alive. Accused in a statement, said he believed his wife to have been dead at the time of the offence. It was stated there were two children by the first marriage, one 5 and the other 3. Accused was sentenced to 12 months in Bathurst Gaol with hard labor. Further details of the case will appear in Friday's "Free Press." 8. Article in Cowra Free Press, 12 Aug 1927, page 3: A BIGAMIST SENTENCED TO TWELVE MONTHS IMPRISONMENT. IN BATHURST GAOL WITH HARD LABOR. A young man named Ernest Roy Hines was on Tuesday, before his Honor, Judge Armstrong, charged with having on September 3, 1921, at Peakhurst, having gone through ceremony of marriage with Annie Rose Hunt, he did at Grenfell, on April 25, again go through the marriage ceremony with Gertrude May Bailey, whilst his wife was alive. Accused pleaded guilty and asked for leniency. In reply to his Honor's query as to whether he wished to say anything, he said: I have never been in gaol before. This is not a criminal act. My first wife has applied for a divorce and when it is granted I intend to right any wrong I have done. I have never been in trouble before. His Honor: There is a conviction against you for breaking and entering and stealing at Sydney Quarter Sessions. How can you say this is your first offence? Why tell lies? Accused (looking surprised and obviously ill at ease): I meant it is the first time I have been in gaol. His Honor: I suppose your wife is applying for a divorce on account of your conduct with this other woman? Accused: Yes. His Honor: Was the divorce mentioned at the other Court? Accused: No. His Honor: Where is she applying? Did she notify you? Accused: A Constable from Sydney told me she was applying for a divorce. His Honor: If your wife is applying for a divorce simply on account of your conduct in this matter it does not assist you. I will not pass sentence until 2 o'clock. I want to act in your favor if I can, but as you have already a sentence recorded against you, you can't be having them suspended every time! When the Court resumed at 2 p.m., accused said: Three years ago I wrote three letters to my wife and she did not answer them. Then again I wrote from Bathurst Gaol and got no reply. I did not know whether she was dead or alive. His Honor: You left your first wife with a girl of 5 and a boy of 3 to support. Accused: We only lived together for five months after our marriage. His Honor: She says six months. Accused: Yes. Five or six months. His Honor: I can't see anything mitigating in your conduct. Your record is not a good one. Accused: My last trouble was eight or nine years ago and I have not been in trouble since. His Honor: I say I cannot see any mitigating circumstances. This woman was deserted and a second child born after you left her. I'm not taking into account that you were in prison for failing to support your wife. I think your statement re thinking she might be dead is all bosh, and I hope I am not going too far in saying so. You are sentenced to twelve months in Bathurst Gaol with hard labor. 9. Article in Newcastle Sun, 12 Aug 1927, page 16: Guilty of Bigamy.— Ernest Roy Hines, a young man, was charged at the Cowra Quarter Session with bigamy. His defence was that he did not know whether his first wife was alive, as she had not answered the letters he had written to her. Judge Armstrong sentenced Hines to 12 months' imprisonment. 10. Article in Carcoar Chronicle, 12 Aug 1927, page 1: Bigamist Sentenced AT COWRA SESSIONS. Quarter Sessions opened in Cowra on Tuesday, before His Honor, Judge Armstrong. Only one criminal case was listed, and as the accused has signified his intention of pleading, the jurors were notified their attendance would not be required. Ernest Roy Hines, a young man, was charged that having on September 3, 1921, gone through the ceremony of marriage at Peakhurst, he did at Grenfell, on April 23, 1923, again go through the marriage ceremony with a young woman whilst his wife was alive. Accused pleaded guilty from the dock and asked to be dealt with leniently. His Honor: Do you want to say anything? Accused: This is my first offence; and my first wife has applied for a divorce, and when it is granted I intend to go through the marriage ceremony with my second wife. His Honor (reading a document): Have you ever been in trouble before? Accused: No, Your Honor. His Honor: I notice a man named Ernest Roy Hines was found guilty for breaking, entering and stealing in Sydney. Is that person identical with you ? Accused (looking surprised) : Yes. His Honor: Why did you tell me a lie? Accused: I meant I was never in gaol before. His Honor: I take it that your first wife is applying for a divorce on account of your unfaithful conduct with the second woman? Accused: Yes. His Honor: Did your first wife notify you she was seeking a divorce? Accused: No. I heard from a policeman from Sydney. His Honor: I won't pass sentence till 2 o'clock. I want to do something in your favor if I can, but as you were found guilty of stealing, I can't see how I can help you. You can't get your sentences reduced every time, you know. ONE YEAR'S HARD LABOR. When the court resumed at 2 o'clock His Honor again asked Hines if he had anything to say. Hines: I would like to say some years ago I wrote two letters to my wife and never got an answer. I also wrote her one letter while I was in gaol and she never replied. I did not know if she got the letters or not, and I didn't know if she was alive or dead when I married the second time. His Honor: You married your second wife leaving the first one with two children to support. Hines: There was only one child when I left her. We only lived together for five months after our marriage. His Honor: I don't see anything mitigating in your explanation. Your record is not a good one. Hines: My last trouble was 8 or 9 years ago; I have never been in trouble since. Judge: "All Bosh." His Honor: I cannot see any mitigating circumstances. This woman has been deserted and a second child born to her after you left her. I'm not taking seriously into account what you say about thinking your first wife was dead. If I am not going too far I class that kind of talk as all bosh. His Honor then sentenced Hines to one years's hard labor in Bathurst gaol. 11. Country News article in Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Aug 1927, page 12: GUILTY OF BIGAMY. COWRA, Thursday. Ernest Roy Hines, a young man, was charged at the Quarter Sessions with bigamy. His defence was that he did not know whether his first wife was alive, as she had not answered the letters he had written to her. Judge Armstrong sentenced Hines to 12 months' imprisonment. 12. General News Article in Queanbeyan Age, 12 Aug 1927, page 2: At Cowra Quarter Sessions, Ernest Roy Hines was sentenced to twelve months hard labor for bigamy. Hines said that he wrote to his first wife and getting no reply concluded that she was dead. 13. Article in Glen Innes Examiner 13 Aug 1927, page 1: A YEAR FOR BIGAMY Young Man's Two Wives. COWRA, Saturday. Ernest Roy Hines, a young man, pleaded guilty at Cowra Quarter Sessions to having at Grenfell, on May 25, 1925, gone through the ceremony of marriage with Gertrude May Bailey while his wife, Annie Hunt, to whom he was married on September 3, 1921, at Peakhurst, was still alive. There were two children by the first marriage. Accused, in a statement, said he believed his wife to have been dead at the time of the second marriage. He was sentenced to twelve months' hard labor in Bathurst Gaol. 14. Article in Labor Daily (Sydney), 13 Aug 1927, page 1: COUNTRY BIGAMY TWELVE MONTHS' GAOL COWRA, Friday. Ernest Roy Hines, a young man, pleaded guilty at Cowra Sessions to having at Grenfell on May 25, 1925, gone through the ceremony of marriage with Gertrude May Bailey, while his wife, Annie Hunt, to whom he was married on September 3, 1921, at Peakhurst, was still alive. There were two children by the first marriage. Accused, in a statement, said he believed his wife to have been dead at the time of the second marriage. He was sentenced to 12 months' hard labor in Bathurst gaol. 15. Items of Interest article in Goulburn Evening Penny Post, 15 Aug 1927, page 2: 12 MONTHS FOR BIGAMY At Cowra Quarter Sessions, Ernest Roy Hines was sentenced to twelve months' hard labour for bigamy. Hines said that he wrote to his first wife, and getting no reply concluded that she was dead. 16. Article in The Uralla Times, 15 Aug 1927, page 2: Ernest Roy Hines. a young man, was charged at the Cowra Quarter Sessions with bigamy. His defence was that he did not know whether his first wife was alive, as she had not answered the letters he had written to her. Judge Armstrong sentenced Hines to 12 months' imprisonment. 17. Return of Prisoners Tried at the Different Circuit Courts and Courts of Quarter Session in NSW Police Gazette, 17 Aug 1927 [Issue 33], page 474: Name: Ernest Roy HINES; Offence: Bigamy; On whom committed: Annie Rose Hunt; Where tried: Cowra Quarter Sessions; Date of conviction or Acquittal etc: 9 Aug 1927; Sentence: 12 months Hard Labor. 18. Article in The Forbes Advocate, 19 Aug 1927, page 8: Ernest Roy Hines, who was committed from the Grenfell Court to the Cowra Quarter Sessions, on a charge of bigamy, was last week sentenced to one year's hard labor. It was alleged that he went through the ceremony of marriage at Peakhurst in 1921, and again in 1923 at Grenfell, whilst his first wife was still alive.8 ![]() |
Marriage | 7 Nov 1928 | Lawrence Allan Sawyer; Grenfell, NSW9 |
Married Name | 7 Nov 1928 | Sawyer |
Marriage of son | 13 Jan 1948 | Ernest Valentine Ralph (Billy) Hines, Shirley Yvonne Graham; Holy Trinity Church of England, Grenfell, NSW10,11 |
Death | 5 May 1971 | Grenfell, NSW12,13 Widower: Lawrence Allan Sawyer |
Burial | c 7 May 1971 | Row C, Section 13, New Anglican Cemetery, Grenfell, NSW14 |
Family 1 |
Ernest Roy (Ralph) Hines b. 7 Jul 1901 | |
Child | 1. | Ernest Valentine Ralph (Billy) Hines b. 30 Nov 1925, d. 3 Jul 1966 |
Family 2 |
Lawrence Allan Sawyer b. 1906, d. 1982 |
- Forbes Family History Group, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts (Published by Forbes Family History Group, Forbes, 2002), hereafter called Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts; copy in Researcher's Library. Vol 1, page 34: Age 62 at DOD 5 May 1971.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 25539/1909 [Gwendoline M BAILEY, parents Valentin e H & Nellie], accessed 16 Jul 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1847. Registration No.25673/1966 [Ernest Valentine R HINES, parents Ernest Valentine R & Gwendlin May], accessed 4 Jul 2009 & 15 Jul 2023: Marriage of parents inferred.
- Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts, Vol 1, page 34: Memo.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 6367/1925 [Ralph HINES + Gwendoline M BAILEY], accessed 16 Jul 2023: DOM [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts, Vol 1, page 34: Age 40 at DOD 3 Jul 1966.
- Ancestry Public Member Tree entitled Hines Family Tree, owned by ozeboy69, accessed at https://www.ancestry.com.au; hereafter called Ancestry PMTree/ozeboy69; copy not retained. Site accessed 14 Jul 2023: DOB, POB.
Original sources: 8 x Public Member Trees. - The Sun (Sydney) newspaper, published daily from 1910 to 1954 in Sydney, NSW; hereafter called Sun (Sydney)/Trove; accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID1937. 10 Jun 1927, p16, accessed 16 Jul 2023: Date, Place, Memo..
- NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 18545/1928 [Lawrence A SAWYER + Gwendoline M BAILEY], accessed 16 Jul 2023: DOM (by reduction), Registration District Grenfell.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Marriages Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Marriages Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID0057. Registration No. 5790/1948 [Ernest Valentine Ralph HINES + Shirley Yvonne GRAHAM], accessed 22 Nov 2008: DOM [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- Ancestry PMTree/ozeboy69. Site accessed 14 Jul 2023: DOM, POM.
Original source: None recorded. - Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts, Vol 1, page 34: DOD, POD inferred.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. ID1938. Registration No. 54594/1971 [Gwendoline May SAWYER, parents Valentine Henry & Nellie], accessed 15 Jul 2023: DOD [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts, Vol 1, page 34: POBurial.
John James Barrett1
M, ID1939
Last Edited | 20 May 2014 |
Marriage | c 1896 | Mary A. Neal; Grenfell, NSW2 |
Birth of daughter | late 1903 or early 1904 | Amy Isabel Jane Barrett3 |
Occupation | at Jul 1942 | Labourer4 |
(Father of deceased) Death | 15 Jul 1942 | (Deceased) Amy Isabel Jane Barrett; Sullivan Street, Grenfell, NSW; > Death Certificate details: +Cause of Death; Duration of last illness; Medical attendant; When last saw deceased: (1)(a) Heart Failure, (b) Coronary thrombosis; (2)(b) 1/2 hour; (3) W. Fenwick (Registered); (4) 15th July, 1942. +Name and occupation of father; Name and maiden surname of mother: John James Barrett, Laborer; Mary Neal. +Informant: A. E. Graham, Widower, Sullivan Street, Grenfell. +Registration: C. Richardson(?); 20th July, 1942; Grenfell. +Where born: Grenfell, N.S.W. +Place of Marriage, age, and to whom: Grenfell, N.S.W., 22 years, Arthur Edward Graham. +Children of marriage: Brian A. 15 years, Shirley Y. 13, Lorice J. 12, Lola P. 11, Nancy A. 9, Janice N. 1(?), Alan J. 26 days; 1 female deceased.5,6,7 |
Family |
Mary A. Neal | |
Child | 1. | Amy Isabel Jane Barrett+ b. late 1903 or early 1904, d. 15 Jul 1942 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1259. Registration No. 18155/1942 [Amy IJ Graham], viewed 8 Jul 2009: Father's given names, initials, surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Marriages Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Marriages Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1939. Registration No. 7432&3/1896 [John J. Barrett + Mary A. Neal], viewed 8 Jul 2009: YOM, Registration District.
- Forbes Family History Group, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts (Published by Forbes Family History Group, Forbes, 2002), hereafter called Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts; copy in Researcher's Library. Vol. 1, page 17: Age 38 at DOD 15 Jul 1942.
- Death Certificate: Graham, Amy IJ [0055], Issued by NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Registration No. 1942/018155, Registered 20 Jul 1942, True copy issued 24 Jul 2009, hereafter called Death Certificate GrAIJ; certificate in Researcher's family history papers, ID1259. Occupation at daughter's DOD 15 Jul 1942.
- Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts, Vol. 1, page 17: DOD, POD inferred as Grenfell.
- NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy at ID1259. Registration No. 18155/1942 [Amy I.J. Graham], viewed 8 Jul 2009: YODR 1942, Registration District Grenfell.
- Death Certificate GrAIJ. DOD, POD, Memos.
Mary A. Neal1
F, ID1940
Last Edited | 21 May 2014 |
Marriage | c 1896 | John James Barrett; Grenfell, NSW2 |
Married Name | c 1896 | Barrett |
Birth of daughter | late 1903 or early 1904 | Amy Isabel Jane Barrett3 |
(Mother of deceased) Death | 15 Jul 1942 | (Deceased) Amy Isabel Jane Barrett; Sullivan Street, Grenfell, NSW; > Death Certificate details: +Cause of Death; Duration of last illness; Medical attendant; When last saw deceased: (1)(a) Heart Failure, (b) Coronary thrombosis; (2)(b) 1/2 hour; (3) W. Fenwick (Registered); (4) 15th July, 1942. +Name and occupation of father; Name and maiden surname of mother: John James Barrett, Laborer; Mary Neal. +Informant: A. E. Graham, Widower, Sullivan Street, Grenfell. +Registration: C. Richardson(?); 20th July, 1942; Grenfell. +Where born: Grenfell, N.S.W. +Place of Marriage, age, and to whom: Grenfell, N.S.W., 22 years, Arthur Edward Graham. +Children of marriage: Brian A. 15 years, Shirley Y. 13, Lorice J. 12, Lola P. 11, Nancy A. 9, Janice N. 1(?), Alan J. 26 days; 1 female deceased.4,5,6 |
Family |
John James Barrett | |
Child | 1. | Amy Isabel Jane Barrett+ b. late 1903 or early 1904, d. 15 Jul 1942 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Marriages Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Marriages Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1939. Registration No. 7432&3/1896 [John J. Barrett + Mary A. Neal], viewed 8 Jul 2009: Given name, initial, surname.
- NSW BDM Registry, Marriages Index; copy at ID1939. Registration No. 7432&3/1896 [John J. Barrett + Mary A. Neal], viewed 8 Jul 2009: YOM, Registration District.
- Forbes Family History Group, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts (Published by Forbes Family History Group, Forbes, 2002), hereafter called Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts; copy in Researcher's Library. Vol. 1, page 17: Age 38 at DOD 15 Jul 1942.
- Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts, Vol. 1, page 17: DOD, POD inferred as Grenfell.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1259. Registration No. 18155/1942 [Amy I.J. Graham], viewed 8 Jul 2009: YODR 1942, Registration District Grenfell.
- Death Certificate: Graham, Amy IJ [0055], Issued by NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Registration No. 1942/018155, Registered 20 Jul 1942, True copy issued 24 Jul 2009, hereafter called Death Certificate GrAIJ; certificate in Researcher's family history papers, ID1259. DOD, POD, Memos.
Pamela Mary Graham1
F, ID1941, (c 19 Jun 1942-c 24 Jun 1942)
Last Edited | 19 Apr 2010 | |
Relationship | 2nd cousin of Lindsay David Graham |
Charts | Descendant Chart -- Hammond GRAHAM |
Father | Arthur Edward Graham b. 17 Aug 1899, d. 4 Jan 1954 | |
Mother | Amy Isabel Jane Barrett b. late 1903 or early 1904, d. 15 Jul 1942 |
Birth | c 19 Jun 1942 | 2 |
Death | c 24 Jun 1942 | Grenfell, NSW3,4 |
(Deceased child) Death | 15 Jul 1942 | (Deceased) Amy Isabel Jane Barrett; Sullivan Street, Grenfell, NSW; > Death Certificate details: +Cause of Death; Duration of last illness; Medical attendant; When last saw deceased: (1)(a) Heart Failure, (b) Coronary thrombosis; (2)(b) 1/2 hour; (3) W. Fenwick (Registered); (4) 15th July, 1942. +Name and occupation of father; Name and maiden surname of mother: John James Barrett, Laborer; Mary Neal. +Informant: A. E. Graham, Widower, Sullivan Street, Grenfell. +Registration: C. Richardson(?); 20th July, 1942; Grenfell. +Where born: Grenfell, N.S.W. +Place of Marriage, age, and to whom: Grenfell, N.S.W., 22 years, Arthur Edward Graham. +Children of marriage: Brian A. 15 years, Shirley Y. 13, Lorice J. 12, Lola P. 11, Nancy A. 9, Janice N. 1(?), Alan J. 26 days; 1 female deceased.5,6,7 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1259. Registration No. 9259/1942 [Pamela M. Graham], viewed 8 Jul 2009: Given names, surname.
- Death Certificate: Graham, Amy IJ [0055], Issued by NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Registration No. 1942/018155, Registered 20 Jul 1942, True copy issued 24 Jul 2009, hereafter called Death Certificate GrAIJ; certificate in Researcher's family history papers, ID1259. Twin brother was aged 26 days at mother's DOD 15 Jul 1942.
- NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy at ID1259. Registration No. 9259/1942 [Pamela M. Graham], viewed 8 Jul 2009: YODRegn, Registration District.
- Graham (nee Shaw), Betty J, Oral, hereafter called Graham BJ, Oral. 3 Apr 2010: Died at 5 days old.
- Forbes Family History Group, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts (Published by Forbes Family History Group, Forbes, 2002), hereafter called Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts; copy in Researcher's Library. Vol. 1, page 17: DOD, POD inferred as Grenfell.
- NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy at ID1259. Registration No. 18155/1942 [Amy I.J. Graham], viewed 8 Jul 2009: YODR 1942, Registration District Grenfell.
- Death Certificate GrAIJ. DOD, POD, Memos.
Alan J. (Jimmy) Graham1,2
M, ID1942, (c 19 Jun 1942-say 2000s)
Last Edited | 11 Jan 2012 | |
Relationship | 2nd cousin of Lindsay David Graham |
Charts | Descendant Chart -- Hammond GRAHAM |
Father | Arthur Edward Graham b. 17 Aug 1899, d. 4 Jan 1954 | |
Mother | Amy Isabel Jane Barrett b. late 1903 or early 1904, d. 15 Jul 1942 |
Birth | c 19 Jun 1942 | 3 |
(Resident) AddressOld | at Jul 1942 | Arthur Edward Graham, Amy Isabel Jane Barrett; Sullivan Street, Grenfell, NSW; > Parents and 7 children.4 |
(Living named child) Death | 15 Jul 1942 | (Deceased) Amy Isabel Jane Barrett; Sullivan Street, Grenfell, NSW; > Death Certificate details: +Cause of Death; Duration of last illness; Medical attendant; When last saw deceased: (1)(a) Heart Failure, (b) Coronary thrombosis; (2)(b) 1/2 hour; (3) W. Fenwick (Registered); (4) 15th July, 1942. +Name and occupation of father; Name and maiden surname of mother: John James Barrett, Laborer; Mary Neal. +Informant: A. E. Graham, Widower, Sullivan Street, Grenfell. +Registration: C. Richardson(?); 20th July, 1942; Grenfell. +Where born: Grenfell, N.S.W. +Place of Marriage, age, and to whom: Grenfell, N.S.W., 22 years, Arthur Edward Graham. +Children of marriage: Brian A. 15 years, Shirley Y. 13, Lorice J. 12, Lola P. 11, Nancy A. 9, Janice N. 1(?), Alan J. 26 days; 1 female deceased.5,6,7 |
Note | Jul 1942 | Jimmy's mother died soon after his birth in 1942, and he was adopted (presumably unofficially) by his aunt Phyllis Kilfoyle (nee Graham). He did not find out that he was adopted until well after his real father's death in 1954. At some stage after that, he decided to revert from his adopted surname Kilfoyle to his real surname Graham.8 Witness: Philippa Sarah (Phyllis) Graham Witness: Thomas Francis Kilfoyle |
Death | say 2000s | Ipswich, QLD; > "Drank himself to death".9 |
- Graham (nee Shaw), Betty J, Oral, hereafter called Graham BJ, Oral. 3 Jul 2009: Nickname, surname.
- Death Certificate: Graham, Amy IJ [0055], Issued by NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Registration No. 1942/018155, Registered 20 Jul 1942, True copy issued 24 Jul 2009, hereafter called Death Certificate GrAIJ; certificate in Researcher's family history papers, ID1259. First given name, second initial.
- Death Certificate GrAIJ. Age 26 days at mother's DOD 15 Jul 1942.
- Death Certificate GrAIJ. Address, Memo inferred.
- Forbes Family History Group, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts (Published by Forbes Family History Group, Forbes, 2002), hereafter called Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts; copy in Researcher's Library. Vol. 1, page 17: DOD, POD inferred as Grenfell.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1259. Registration No. 18155/1942 [Amy I.J. Graham], viewed 8 Jul 2009: YODR 1942, Registration District Grenfell.
- Death Certificate GrAIJ. DOD, POD, Memos.
- Graham BJ, Oral. 3 Jul 2009, 3 Apr 2010: Memo.
- Graham BJ, Oral. 7 Sep 2009: Memo. 3 Apr 2010: POD.
Rev. Arthur Samuel Rowe1
M, ID1947, (c 1888-23 Sep 1953)
Last Edited | 21 May 2014 |
Birth | c 1888 | Burwood, NSW2 |
Employment | to 1940 | Church of England; > Trained at St John's College. Curate of Mudgee, Rector of Trundle, Rector of Eugowra. Curate of All Saints, Parramatta. Priest in charge of Kangaroo Island. Curate of Dubbo, Rector of Coonmable, Rector of Blayney.3 |
Employment | fr 1941 - Sep 1953 | Rector, Holy Trinity Church of England, Grenfell, NSW; > A Memorial Plaque "Arthur Samuel Rowe, Priest" is in the Church Sanctuary.4 |
(Minister) Funeral | 8 Mar 1942 | Eva May Hampton; Holy Trinity Church, Grenfell, NSW; > Extract from Obituary in Grenfell Record, 9 Mar 1942, page 2: Mrs. John Hampton. ... The funeral left Holy Trinity Church on Sunday afternoon, following a service conducted by Rev. A. S. Rowe, who also officiated at the cemetery. There was a large attendance of town and district friends at the services, and many floral tributes were received.5 |
(Minister) Burial | 16 Jul 1942 | Amy Isabel Jane Barrett; Row G, Sections 10, 11 & 12, Old Anglican Cemetery, Grenfell, NSW; > +When and where buried: 16th July 1942, Church of England Cemetery Grenfell. +Name of Undertaker: A. R. Penrose. +Name and religion of Minister: A. S. Rowe, Church of England. +Names of witnesses of burial: Thos. Joyce, P. Kearins.6,7 |
Death | 23 Sep 1953 | 8 |
- N. Hancock & S. Griffin, The Parish of Holy Trinity Church, Grenfell, 1877-1977 (Published by Holy Trinity Church, Grenfell, 1977), hereafter called Hancock & Griffin, Holy Trinity Church; copy in Researcher's Library. Page Page 27: Given names, surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/bdm_fh.html, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; paper copy of search page in Researcher's family history papers, ID1947. Registration No. 5527/1888 [Arthur S Rowe], viewed 16 Apr 2010: YOB, Registration District.
- Hancock & Griffin, Holy Trinity Church, pPage 27: Training and positions as shown.
- Hancock & Griffin, Holy Trinity Church, pPage 14, 16, 27: Dates, Position. Page 24: Memo.
- Grenfell Record newspaper, published by WB Howarth in Grenfell, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia website at https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Grenfell Record/Trove, digital and paper copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID1527. Source accessed 15 Dec 2023: DOFuneral, POFuneral, Memo.
- Forbes Family History Group, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts (Published by Forbes Family History Group, Forbes, 2002), hereafter called Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts; copy in Researcher's Library. Vol. 1, page 17: POBurial Detail.
- Death Certificate: Graham, Amy IJ [0055], Issued by NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Registration No. 1942/018155, Registered 20 Jul 1942, True copy issued 24 Jul 2009, hereafter called Death Certificate GrAIJ; certificate in Researcher's family history papers, ID1259. DOBu, POBu, Memos.
- Hancock & Griffin, Holy Trinity Church, pPage 17: DOD.
William Shaw1
M, ID1948, (c 1889-3 Mar 1960)
Last Edited | 20 May 2014 |
Father | Andrew Shaw b. s 1862, d. 14 Feb 1916 | |
Mother | Maria Prince d. 17 Aug 1941 |
Birth | c 1889 | Grenfell, NSW2,3 |
Marriage | c 1913 | Alice Ada Bush; Grenfell, NSW4 |
Birth of daughter | 14 Sep 1928 | Betty Joan Shaw; Grenfell, NSW5,6,7 |
Occupation | at Apr 1948 | Farmer, Spring Valley, Weddin, via Grenfell, NSW8 |
(Father of Bride) Marriage | 3 Apr 1948 | Betty Joan Shaw, Brian Arthur Graham; Presbyterian Manse, Ardlethan, NSW; > +Married According to the rites of the Presbyterian Church. +Consents of the Groom's father and the Bride's parents were given in writing to the Marriage. +Conjugal status: Bachelor; Spinster. +Officiating Minister: G. F. G. Kerry. +Witnesses: A. L. Grant, E. E. C. Kerry (latter assumed to be the wife of the Officiating Minister).9,10 |
Death | 3 Mar 1960 | Grenfell, NSW11,12,13 |
Burial | c 5 Mar 1960 | Row E, Section 17, Presbyterian Portion, Grenfell Cemetery, Grenfell, NSW14 |
Family |
Alice Ada Bush b. c 1889, d. 24 Oct 1964 | |
Child | 1. | Betty Joan Shaw+ b. 14 Sep 1928 |
- Marriage Certificate: Graham, Brian A & Shaw, Betty J [1260+1261], Registration No. 1948/014849, Registered 30 Apr 1948, True copy issued 21 Jul 2009 by NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, hereafter called Marriage Certificate GrBA+ShBJ; certificate in Researcher's family history papers, ID1260. Given name, surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/bdm_fh.html, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; paper copy of search page in Researcher's family history papers, ID1948. Registration No. 21567/1889 [William Shaw], viewed 16 Apr 2010: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- Forbes Family History Group, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts (Published by Forbes Family History Group, Forbes, 2002), hereafter called Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts; copy in Researcher's Library. Vol 2, page 43: Age 71 at DOD 3 Mar 1960.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Marriages Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Marriages Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1948. Registration No. 1652/1913 [William Shaw + Alice A Bush], viewed 16 Apr 2010: YOMReg, Registration District.
- Moore (nee Mackay), Helen [0073], Oral, hereafter called Moore H, Oral. Feb 1999: YOB.
- Graham (nee Shaw), Betty J, Oral, hereafter called Graham BJ, Oral. 1 Jul 2009: Had her 80th birthday last year. 7 Sep 2009: DOB. POB inferred.
- Marriage Certificate GrBA+ShBJ. POB.
- Marriage Certificate GrBA+ShBJ. Occupation of Bride's father.
- NSW BDM Registry, Marriages Index; copy at ID1260. Registration No. 14849/1948 [Brian A. Graham + Betty J. Shaw], viewed 1 Jul 2009: YOMR, Registration District.
- Marriage Certificate GrBA+ShBJ. DOM, POM, Memos.
- Graham BJ, Oral. 3 Apr 2010: YOD 1963.
- Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts, Vol 2, page 43: DOD.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1948. Registration No. 7603/1960 [William Shaw], viewed 16 Apr 2010: YODReg, Registration District.
- Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts, Vol 2, page 43: POBurial.
Alice Ada Bush
F, ID1949, (c 1889-24 Oct 1964)
Last Edited | 18 Jun 2013 |
Father | Edward Bush b. c 1854, d. 13 Jan 1942 | |
Mother | Sarah Jane Robinson b. c 1847, d. 26 Nov 1926 |
Birth | c 1889 | Grenfell, NSW1 |
Marriage | c 1913 | William Shaw; Grenfell, NSW2 |
Married Name | s 1925 | Shaw |
Birth of daughter | 14 Sep 1928 | Betty Joan Shaw; Grenfell, NSW3,4,5 |
(Mother of Bride) Marriage | 3 Apr 1948 | Betty Joan Shaw, Brian Arthur Graham; Presbyterian Manse, Ardlethan, NSW; > +Married According to the rites of the Presbyterian Church. +Consents of the Groom's father and the Bride's parents were given in writing to the Marriage. +Conjugal status: Bachelor; Spinster. +Officiating Minister: G. F. G. Kerry. +Witnesses: A. L. Grant, E. E. C. Kerry (latter assumed to be the wife of the Officiating Minister).6,7 |
Death | 24 Oct 1964 | Grenfell, NSW8 |
Burial | c 28 Oct 1964 | Row E, Section 17, Presbyterian Portion, Grenfell Cemetery, Grenfell, NSW9 |
Family |
William Shaw b. c 1889, d. 3 Mar 1960 | |
Child | 1. | Betty Joan Shaw+ b. 14 Sep 1928 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/bdm_fh.html, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; paper copy of search page in Researcher's family history papers, ID1542. Registration No. 21593/1889 [Alice A. Bush], viewed 17 Apr 2010: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Marriages Index, URL http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/FamilyHistory/search.htm, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Marriages Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1948. Registration No. 1652/1913 [William Shaw + Alice A Bush], viewed 16 Apr 2010: YOMReg, Registration District.
- Moore (nee Mackay), Helen [0073], Oral, hereafter called Moore H, Oral. Feb 1999: YOB.
- Graham (nee Shaw), Betty J, Oral, hereafter called Graham BJ, Oral. 1 Jul 2009: Had her 80th birthday last year. 7 Sep 2009: DOB. POB inferred.
- Marriage Certificate: Graham, Brian A & Shaw, Betty J [1260+1261], Registration No. 1948/014849, Registered 30 Apr 1948, True copy issued 21 Jul 2009 by NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, hereafter called Marriage Certificate GrBA+ShBJ; certificate in Researcher's family history papers, ID1260. POB.
- NSW BDM Registry, Marriages Index; copy at ID1260. Registration No. 14849/1948 [Brian A. Graham + Betty J. Shaw], viewed 1 Jul 2009: YOMR, Registration District.
- Marriage Certificate GrBA+ShBJ. DOM, POM, Memos.
- Forbes Family History Group, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts (Published by Forbes Family History Group, Forbes, 2002), hereafter called Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts; copy in Researcher's Library. Vol. 2, page 43: DOD, POD inferred.
- Forbes FHG, Grenfell Cemetery Transcripts, Vol. 2, page 43: POBurial.