Sarah Jane Prince1,2
F, ID1411, (20 Jan 1863-)
Birth | 20 Jan 1863 | Young, NSW3,4,5 |
Marriage | 20 Jan 1883 | Herbert Shaw; Grenfell, NSW; > Three children from Sarah's first marriage.6,7 |
Married Name | 20 Jan 1883 | Shaw |
Birth of daughter | 15 Nov 1883 | Rhoda Ann Shaw; Grenfell, NSW8 |
Birth of son | 9 Jun 1885 | Robert Oswald Shaw; Grenfell, NSW9 |
Birth of daughter | 12 Mar 1887 | Ellen S Shaw; Grenfell, NSW10 |
(Widow) Death | 2 Jun 1887 | Herbert Shaw; Grenfell, NSW11 |
(Administrator & Wife) Probate | 20 Jul 1887 | Herbert Shaw; Grenfell, NSW; > Probate Notice in the NSW Government Gazette 22 Jul 1887 p4804 foreshadowed an application in 14 days to the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that letters of administration to the estate of Herbert SHAW [late of the Seven-mile, near Grenfell, farmer, deceased 2 Jun 1887] be granted to Sarah Jane SHAW. of the Seven-mile, near Grenfell, widow of the deceased.12  |
Marriage | 7 Aug 1891 | John William (Jack) Durham III; Cowra, NSW; > When they married, John was 19 and Sarah was a 28 year old widow with 3 children -- these differences meant they were ostracised following their marriage.13,14,15 |
Married Name | 7 Aug 1891 | Durham |
Birth of daughter | 26 Mar 1892 | Eliza Beatrice Durham; Riverton, NEW ZEALAND16,17 |
Birth of son | 21 Oct 1893 | John William Durham; NEW ZEALAND18 |
Birth of son | 24 Nov 1894 | Arthur Edward Durham; NEW ZEALAND19 |
Birth of son | 20 Nov 1897 | Charles Alfred Durham; NEW ZEALAND20 |
Birth of daughter | 10 Oct 1899 | Edith May Durham; NEW ZEALAND16 |
Birth of daughter | 30 Sep 1901 | Sarah Jane Durham; NEW ZEALAND21 |
- Family history chart, Durham&Baker/Hunter, compiled by Lois Hunter, Mar 1999 for the Durham Family Reunion in Oct 1999, hereafter called FH chart, Durham&Baker/Hunter; copy in Researcher's family history papers: Given name, Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 3586/1891 [John W Durham + Sarah J Shaw], viewed 20 Feb 2020: Bride's Given name, Initial, Surname.
- Information obtained orally from unknown persons at Durham family reunion [generally annotated in pencil on Durham/Baker chart], Grenfell NSW, October 1999; hereafter called Durham family reunion: YOB inferred from ages quoted.
- Family history chart, Durham&Baker/Durham, compiled by Keith E. Durham ca early 1999 for the Durham Family Reunion in Oct 1999, hereafter called FH chart, Durham&Baker/Durham; copy in Researcher's family history papers. Page YOB..
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 15594/1863 [Sarah J PRINCE, parents Henry & Roda], accessed 26 Sep 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Young.
- Durham family reunion: Marriage, Memo.
- NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 4836/1883 [Herbert SHAWS + Sarah Jane PRINCE], accessed 24 Sep 2023: DOM [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 18488/1883 [Rhoda Ann SHAW, parents Herbert & Sarah Jane], accessed 25 Jun 2023: DOB [by reduction], POB Registration Grenfell.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 20652/1885 [Robert SHAW, parents Herbert & Sarah J], accessed 25 Jun 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 22122/1887 [Ellen S SHAW, parents Herbert & Sarah J], accessed 25 Jun 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 8767/1887 [Herbert SHAW, parents Alfred & Ann], accessed 26 Sep 2023: DOD [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- New South Wales Government Gazette, accessed via; hereafter called NSW Govt Gazette/Trove; copy in Researcher's Family History records at ID1413. 22 Jul 1887, p4804, accessed 26 Sep 2023: Date of Gazette, Memo.
- FH chart, Durham&Baker/Hunter: DOM, POM.
- NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 3586/1891 [John W DURHAM + Sarah J SHAW], viewed 20 Feb 2020: DOM [date by reduction], Registration District Cowra.
- Durham family reunion: Memo.
- New Zealand Births, Deaths & Marriages Online, Birth Index, URL; hereafter called NZ Birth Index. Registration No. 1899/11945 [Edith May DURHAM, parents John William & Sarah Jane], accessed 3 Nov 2023: DOB [by reduction]..
- Ancestry Public Member Tree entitled Durham Family Tree, owned by Rhona Mudgway, QLD, AUSTRALIA, accessed at; hereafter called Ancestry PMTree/Rhona Mudgway; copy not retained. Site accessed 3 Nov 2023: DOB, POB. Original sources: New Zealand, Birth Index, 1840-1950; New Zealand, Cemetery Records, 1800-2007.
- NZ Birth Index. Registration No. 1893/14886 [John William DURHAM, parents John William & Sarah Jane], accessed 3 Nov 2023: DOB [by reduction]..
- NZ Birth Index. Registration No. 1895/17745 [Arthur Edward DURHAM, parents John William & Sarah Jane], accessed 3 Nov 2023: DOB [by reduction]..
- NZ Birth Index. Registration No. 1898/14918 [Charles Alfred DURHAM, parents John William & Sarah Jane], accessed 3 Nov 2023: DOB [by reduction]..
- NZ Birth Index. Registration No. 1901/18490 [Sarah Jane DURHAM, parents John William & Sarah Jane], accessed 3 Nov 2023: DOB [by reduction]..
- Durham family reunion: Marriage?
Joanna Smith1
F, ID1412, (-c 1949)
Name Variation | | Clarkson; Alternative surname?2 |
Marriage | 24 Mar 1927 | John William (Jack) Durham III; Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND; > No children.3,4 |
Married Name | 24 Mar 1927 | Durham |
Death | c 1949 | 5 |
- Family history chart, Durham&Baker/Hunter, compiled by Lois Hunter, Mar 1999 for the Durham Family Reunion in Oct 1999, hereafter called FH chart, Durham&Baker/Hunter; copy in Researcher's family history papers: Given name, surname.
- Information obtained orally from unknown persons at Durham family reunion [generally annotated in pencil on Durham/Baker chart], Grenfell NSW, October 1999; hereafter called Durham family reunion: unknown cd.
- FH chart, Durham&Baker/Hunter: DOM, POM.
- Durham family reunion: Memo1.
- Durham family reunion: YOD?
Herbert Shaw1
M, ID1413, (1859-2 Jun 1887)
Birth | 1859 | Goulburn, NSW; > Parents Alfred & Ann SHAW.2 |
Marriage | 20 Jan 1883 | Sarah Jane Prince; Grenfell, NSW; > Three children from Sarah's first marriage.3,4 |
Birth of daughter | 15 Nov 1883 | Rhoda Ann Shaw; Grenfell, NSW5 |
Birth of son | 9 Jun 1885 | Robert Oswald Shaw; Grenfell, NSW6 |
Birth of daughter | 12 Mar 1887 | Ellen S Shaw; Grenfell, NSW7 |
Death | 2 Jun 1887 | Grenfell, NSW8 Widow: Sarah Jane Shaw |
Probate | 20 Jul 1887 | Grenfell, NSW; > Probate Notice in the NSW Government Gazette 22 Jul 1887 p4804 foreshadowed an application in 14 days to the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that letters of administration to the estate of Herbert SHAW [late of the Seven-mile, near Grenfell, farmer, deceased 2 Jun 1887] be granted to Sarah Jane SHAW. of the Seven-mile, near Grenfell, widow of the deceased.9  Administrator & Wife: Sarah Jane Shaw |
- NSW Marriages Index shows Surname as SHAWS. There are no NSW births 1830-1920 with surname SHAWS, although in 1830-1970 NSW marriages there are 12 grooms and 11 brides with surname SHAWS, 22 of the 23 being in 1883. It seems likely that most, if not all, of the SHAWS should be SHAW.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 7418/1859 [Herbert SHAW, parents Alfred & Ann], accessed 26 Sep 2023: YOB, POB Registration Goulburn, Memo.
- Information obtained orally from unknown persons at Durham family reunion [generally annotated in pencil on Durham/Baker chart], Grenfell NSW, October 1999; hereafter called Durham family reunion: Marriage, Memo.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 4836/1883 [Herbert SHAWS + Sarah Jane PRINCE], accessed 24 Sep 2023: DOM [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 18488/1883 [Rhoda Ann SHAW, parents Herbert & Sarah Jane], accessed 25 Jun 2023: DOB [by reduction], POB Registration Grenfell.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 20652/1885 [Robert SHAW, parents Herbert & Sarah J], accessed 25 Jun 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 22122/1887 [Ellen S SHAW, parents Herbert & Sarah J], accessed 25 Jun 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 8767/1887 [Herbert SHAW, parents Alfred & Ann], accessed 26 Sep 2023: DOD [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell.
- New South Wales Government Gazette, accessed via; hereafter called NSW Govt Gazette/Trove; copy in Researcher's Family History records at ID1413. 22 Jul 1887, p4804, accessed 26 Sep 2023: Date of Gazette, Memo.
(?) (?)1
M, ID1414
- Information obtained orally from unknown persons at Durham family reunion [generally annotated in pencil on Durham/Baker chart], Grenfell NSW, October 1999; hereafter called Durham family reunion: unknown cd.
- Durham family reunion: Marriage?
Stanley George (Stan) Durham1,2,3
M, ID1415, (13 Aug 1910-14 Jun 2001)
Last Edited | | 10 Oct 2023 |
Relationship | | 1st cousin 1 time removed of Lindsay David Graham |
Birth | 13 Aug 1910 | Grenfell, NSW; > Fourth of 5 children.5,6,7 |
Marriage | 26 Nov 1938 | Gertrude Myrtle Wilksch; Wagga Wagga, NSW8 |
Death | 14 Jun 2001 | Wendy Hucker Nursing Home, Wagga Wagga, NSW9 |
- Information obtained orally from unknown persons at Durham family reunion [generally annotated in pencil on Durham/Baker chart], Grenfell NSW, October 1999; hereafter called Durham family reunion: Nickname, Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 26937/1910 [Stanley G DURHAM, parents Arthur E & Minnie], accessed 25 Jun 2023: Given name, Initial, Surname.
- Family history chart, Durham&Baker/Durham, compiled by Keith E. Durham ca early 1999 for the Durham Family Reunion in Oct 1999, hereafter called FH chart, Durham&Baker/Durham; copy in Researcher's family history papers. Page Given names, Surname..
- Durham family reunion: Given name, surname.
- Durham family reunion: Memo.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 26937/1910 [Stanley G DURHAM, parents Arthur E & Minnie], accessed 25 Jun 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Grenfell, Memo.
- FH chart, Durham&Baker/Durham. Page DOB.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No.20953/1938 [Stanley George DURHAM + Gertrude Myrtle WILKSCH], accessed 1 Oct 2023: DOM [by reduction], Registration District Wagga Wagga.
- Ryerson Index to death notices and obituaries in Australian newspapers, initiated by NSW Dead Persons' Society, now owned and maintained by Ryerson Index Inc., located at; hereafter called Ryerson Index. Index accessed 1 Oct 2023, Death Notice, Wagga Wagga Daily Advertiser, 16 Jun 2001 for Stanley George DURHAM: DOD, POD, age 90.
Ivy Mary Durham1,2,3
F, ID1416, (3 Nov 1914-)
Last Edited | | 11 Oct 2023 |
Relationship | | 1st cousin 1 time removed of Lindsay David Graham |
- Information obtained orally from unknown persons at Durham family reunion [generally annotated in pencil on Durham/Baker chart], Grenfell NSW, October 1999; hereafter called Durham family reunion: Given name, Maiden Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 52996/1914 [Ivy M DURHAM, parents Arthur E & Minnie], accessed 25 Jun 2023: Given name, Initial, Maiden Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 8131/1939 [Walter James IRVINE + Ivy Mary DURHAM], accessed 26 Jun 2023: Given names, Maiden Surname.
- Durham family reunion: Given name, surname.
- Durham family reunion: Memo.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 52996/1914 [Ivy M DURHAM, parents Arthur E & Minnie], accessed 25 Jun 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Temora, Memo.
- NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 8131/1939 [Walter James IRVINE + Ivy Mary DURHAM], accessed 26 Jun 2023: DOM [by reduction], Registration District Temora.
- Family history chart, Durham&Baker/Durham, compiled by Keith E. Durham ca early 1999 for the Durham Family Reunion in Oct 1999, hereafter called FH chart, Durham&Baker/Durham; copy in Researcher's family history papers. Page 11: YOM 1939..
- FH chart, Durham&Baker/Durham. Page 11: DOB.
Emmeline Shelley1
F, ID1422, (30 Jun 1839-)
Last Edited | | 20 May 2014 |
Relationship | | 1st cousin 3 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
Birth | 30 Jun 1839 | 'Meringo', on the Lachlan River, near Young, NSW2,3 |
(Resident) AddressOld | from 1840 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; 'Mundoonen', Yass, NSW; > Parents with 2 children initially.4 |
(Resident) AddressOld | from ca 1846 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; Upper Murray, NSW or VIC?; > Parents with 5 children initially. Pioneer settler on the Upper Murray.5,6 |
(Passenger) Travel | c 1849 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; NSW/SA; > In 1847, RJS overlanded to South Australia with his family. Daughter Susannah was born in Mar 1849 in NSW, so I believe the move to SA was probably later than 1847.7 |
(Resident) AddressOld | at Nov 1851 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; Willunga, SA; > Parents and 8 children.8    |
(Passenger) Travel | 1855 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; SA/VIC; > RJS returned from SA in 1855 to settle on the Campaspe River near Bendigo.9 |
(Resident) AddressOld | from say 1850s | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; VIC; > Moved to Victoria. Assumed to be parents and ca 8 children.10 |
Marriage | 1862 | Richard Dunbar11 |
Married Name | 1862 | Dunbar11 |
AddressOld | | Richard Dunbar; Melbourne, VIC; > Liven in Melbourne after marriage.12 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page p215: Given name.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: DOB, POB.
- Parramatta Family History Group, Parramatta Pioneer Register, Volume 2, Settlement to 1920 (Published by Parramatta & District Historical Society Inc., Parramatta, NSW, 2003) -- names of contributors for all items are listed in the book; hereafter called Parramatta FHG, Parramatta Pioneer Register Vol 2; copy in Researcher's Library: Page 206: DOB, POB Young.
- Parramatta FHG, Parramatta Pioneer Register Vol 2: p206: Date1, Place.
- Jean Caswell Benson, A Wide Spectrum: A picture of the times from 1828 to 1937 as seen by my forebears -- the Stacy, the Caswell, the Shelley and the Harris families (published by Wilkie Watson Publications Pty Limited, Tumut, NSW, 1987); hereafter called Benson, Wide Spectrum; copy in Researcher's Library. Page 117: Address, Memo2.
- Parramatta FHG, Parramatta Pioneer Register Vol 2: p206: Place.
- Benson, Wide Spectrum. p23: Memo1.
- The South Australian Register (published 1836-1931, Adelaide, SA), hereafter called SA Register; accessed via National Library of Australia Trove web site at; copy of article in Researcher's family history papers, ID0173. 13/15/18 Nov 1851, pp 1/1/2: Date, Address. Memo inferred.
- Benson, Wide Spectrum. p23: Year, Memo.
- Benson, Wide Spectrum. p117: Address, Memo1.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: YOM.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: Memo.
Richard Dunbar1
M, ID1423
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page p215: Given name and surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: YOM.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: Memo.
John D'Arlot Shelley1,2,3,4
M, ID1424, (6 Sep 1840-1903)
Last Edited | | 20 May 2014 |
Relationship | | 1st cousin 3 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
Birth | 6 Sep 1840 | 'Meringo', on the Lachlan River, near Young, NSW5,6 |
(Resident) AddressOld | from 1840 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; 'Mundoonen', Yass, NSW; > Parents with 2 children initially.7 |
(Resident) AddressOld | from ca 1846 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; Upper Murray, NSW or VIC?; > Parents with 5 children initially. Pioneer settler on the Upper Murray.8,9 |
(Passenger) Travel | c 1849 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; NSW/SA; > In 1847, RJS overlanded to South Australia with his family. Daughter Susannah was born in Mar 1849 in NSW, so I believe the move to SA was probably later than 1847.10 |
(Resident) AddressOld | at Nov 1851 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; Willunga, SA; > Parents and 8 children.11    |
(Passenger) Travel | 1855 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; SA/VIC; > RJS returned from SA in 1855 to settle on the Campaspe River near Bendigo.12 |
(Resident) AddressOld | from say 1850s | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; VIC; > Moved to Victoria. Assumed to be parents and ca 8 children.13 |
Marriage | 30 Mar 1871 | Mary Anne Hepburn; Balranald, NSW; > Marriage Notices in Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Apr 1871, page 1 and 19 Apr 1871, page 8: SHELLY[sic]-HEPBURN -- 30 March, at Balranald, by special license, by the Rev. W. H. H. Yarrington, Church of England minister, John D'Arlot, son of R. J. Shelly [sic], Esq., of Echuca, to Mary Anne, daughter of the late Mr. R. Hepburn, of Conoblin [sic], New South Wales.14,15 |
Birth of son | 1872 | David John Shelley; Balranald, NSW16,17 |
Birth of son | 1873 | Rowland John Shelley; Balranald, NSW18,19 |
Birth of son | 1875 | Benjamin Shelley; Balranald, NSW18,20 |
Birth of son | 1877 | Walter Shelley; Hay, NSW21 |
Birth of daughter | 1882 | Lucy Shelley; Balranald, NSW22 |
Death | 1903 | Hay, NSW23 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page Page 215: Given names John Darlord, Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; paper copy of search page in Researcher's family history papers, ID1424. Registration No. 6643/1873 [Rowland John Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: Father's given names John D'Arlot.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 6114/1872 [David John Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: Father's given names John Darlot.
- Parramatta Family History Group, Parramatta Pioneer Register, Volume 2, Settlement to 1920 (Published by Parramatta & District Historical Society Inc., Parramatta, NSW, 2003) -- names of contributors for all items are listed in the book; hereafter called Parramatta FHG, Parramatta Pioneer Register Vol 2; copy in Researcher's Library: Page Page 206: Given names John Darlord, Surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: DOB, POB.
- Parramatta FHG, Parramatta Pioneer Register Vol 2: p206: DOB, POB Young.
- Parramatta FHG, Parramatta Pioneer Register Vol 2: p206: Date1, Place.
- Jean Caswell Benson, A Wide Spectrum: A picture of the times from 1828 to 1937 as seen by my forebears -- the Stacy, the Caswell, the Shelley and the Harris families (published by Wilkie Watson Publications Pty Limited, Tumut, NSW, 1987); hereafter called Benson, Wide Spectrum; copy in Researcher's Library. Page 117: Address, Memo2.
- Parramatta FHG, Parramatta Pioneer Register Vol 2: p206: Place.
- Benson, Wide Spectrum. p23: Memo1.
- The South Australian Register (published 1836-1931, Adelaide, SA), hereafter called SA Register; accessed via National Library of Australia Trove web site at; copy of article in Researcher's family history papers, ID0173. 13/15/18 Nov 1851, pp 1/1/2: Date, Address. Memo inferred.
- Benson, Wide Spectrum. p23: Year, Memo.
- Benson, Wide Spectrum. p117: Address, Memo1.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: YOM, POM.
- Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, Sydney, hereafter called Sydney Morning Herald; accessed via National Library of Australia Trove web site at; copy of article in Researcher's family history papers, ID1424. 12 Apr 1871, p1 and 19 Apr 1871, p8: DOM, POM, Memo.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pPage 215: YOB, POB.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 6114/1872 [David John Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pPage 215: YOB, POB.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 6643/1873 [Rowland John Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 7012/1875 [Benjamin Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 13492/1877 [Walter Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: YOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: YOD, POD.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: Given name.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pGiven name.
Mary Anne Hepburn1,2
F, ID1425
Marriage | s 1865 | William Cawsey3 |
Married Name | s 1865 | Cawsey |
Birth of daughter | c 1868 | Mary A. E. Cawsey; Hay, NSW4 |
Marriage | 30 Mar 1871 | John D'Arlot Shelley; Balranald, NSW; > Marriage Notices in Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Apr 1871, page 1 and 19 Apr 1871, page 8: SHELLY[sic]-HEPBURN -- 30 March, at Balranald, by special license, by the Rev. W. H. H. Yarrington, Church of England minister, John D'Arlot, son of R. J. Shelly [sic], Esq., of Echuca, to Mary Anne, daughter of the late Mr. R. Hepburn, of Conoblin [sic], New South Wales.5,6 |
Married Name | 30 Mar 1871 | Shelley |
Birth of son | 1872 | David John Shelley; Balranald, NSW7,8 |
Birth of son | 1873 | Rowland John Shelley; Balranald, NSW9,10 |
Birth of son | 1875 | Benjamin Shelley; Balranald, NSW9,11 |
Birth of son | 1877 | Walter Shelley; Hay, NSW12 |
Birth of daughter | 1882 | Lucy Shelley; Balranald, NSW13 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page Page 215: Given names Mary Ann, Surname Cawsey.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Marriages Index, URL, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Marriages Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1424. Registration No. 1549/1871 [John D'Arlot Shelley + Mary Anne Cawsey], viewed 7 Jul 2011: Given names, Surname Cawsey.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; paper copy of search page in Researcher's family history papers, ID2284. Registration No. 5566/1868 [Mary A. E. Cawsey], viewed 7 Jul 2011: Marriage of parents assumed.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID2284. Registration No. 5566/1868 [Mary A. E. Cawsey], viewed 7 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: YOM, POM.
- Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, Sydney, hereafter called Sydney Morning Herald; accessed via National Library of Australia Trove web site at; copy of article in Researcher's family history papers, ID1424. 12 Apr 1871, p1 and 19 Apr 1871, p8: DOM, POM, Memo.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pPage 215: YOB, POB.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 6114/1872 [David John Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pPage 215: YOB, POB.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 6643/1873 [Rowland John Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 7012/1875 [Benjamin Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 13492/1877 [Walter Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: YOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: Given name.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pGiven name.
David John Shelley
M, ID1426, (1872-)
Last Edited | | 20 May 2014 |
Relationship | | 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
Birth | 1872 | Balranald, NSW1,2 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page Page 215: YOB, POB.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; paper copy of search page in Researcher's family history papers, ID1424. Registration No. 6114/1872 [David John Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
Rowland John Shelley1
M, ID1427, (1873-)
Last Edited | | 20 May 2014 |
Relationship | | 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
Birth | 1873 | Balranald, NSW2,3 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page p215: Given names.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pPage 215: YOB, POB.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; paper copy of search page in Researcher's family history papers, ID1424. Registration No. 6643/1873 [Rowland John Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
Benjamin Shelley1,2
M, ID1428, (1875-1915)
Last Edited | | 20 May 2014 |
Relationship | | 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
Birth | 1875 | Balranald, NSW4,5 |
Death | 1915 | Hay, NSW6,7 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page p215: Given name, surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; paper copy of search page in Researcher's family history papers, ID1424. Registration No. 7012/1875 [Benjamin Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: Given name, Surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: Given name.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pPage 215: YOB, POB.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 7012/1875 [Benjamin Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: YOD, POD.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index; copy in Researcher's family history papers, ID1428. Registration No. 1276/1915 [Benjamin Shelley], viewed 28 Sep 2013: YODRegn, Registration District.
Lucy Shelley1
F, ID1429, (1882-)
Last Edited | | 20 May 2014 |
Relationship | | 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page Given name, surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pGiven name.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: YOB, POB.
Walter Shelley1,2
M, ID1430, (1877-1939)
Last Edited | | 20 May 2014 |
Relationship | | 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
Birth | 1877 | Hay, NSW4 |
Death | 1939 | Condoblin, NSW5 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page Page 215: Given name, Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; paper copy of search page in Researcher's family history papers, ID1424. Registration No. 13492/1877 [Walter Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: Given name, Surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: Given name.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; copy at ID1424. Registration No. 13492/1877 [Walter Shelley], viewed 6 Jul 2011: YOBRegn, Registration District.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pPage 215: YOD, POD.
Arthur George Shelley1
M, ID1431, (4 Dec 1841-22 Feb 1925)
Last Edited | | 9 Feb 2021 |
Relationship | | 1st cousin 3 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
Birth | 4 Dec 1841 | 'Mundoonen', near Yass, NSW2,3,4 |
(Resident) AddressOld | from ca 1846 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; Upper Murray, NSW or VIC?; > Parents with 5 children initially. Pioneer settler on the Upper Murray.5,6 |
(Passenger) Travel | c 1849 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; NSW/SA; > In 1847, RJS overlanded to South Australia with his family. Daughter Susannah was born in Mar 1849 in NSW, so I believe the move to SA was probably later than 1847.7 |
(Resident) AddressOld | at Nov 1851 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; Willunga, SA; > Parents and 8 children.8    |
(Resident) AddressOld | from say 1850s | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; VIC; > Moved to Victoria. Assumed to be parents and ca 8 children.9 |
(Passenger) Travel | 1855 | Rowland John Shelley, Maria Brillia Louisa Peters; SA/VIC; > RJS returned from SA in 1855 to settle on the Campaspe River near Bendigo.10 |
AddressOld | | Mary Clarissa Walker; 'Quetta Quetta', near Corowa; > Leased sheep station. BEFORE AND/OR AFTER HIS MARRIAGE?11 |
Marriage | 3 Dec 1872 | Mary Clarissa Walker12 |
Birth of daughter | 18 Dec 1873 | Hilda Clarissa Maria Shelley; Corowa, NSW13,14 |
Birth of daughter | 10 Apr 1875 | Alice Theresa Shelley; Windsor, NSW?15 |
Birth of son | 15 Jan 1879 | Arthur Percy Shelley; Kerang, VIC16 |
Birth of daughter | 29 Nov 1880 | Maude Mary Shelley17 |
Birth of daughter | 14 Nov 1883 | Lucy Florence Shelley; Kerang, VIC18,19 |
Birth of daughter | 14 Apr 1886 | Jessie Baggely Shelley; Kerang, VIC20 |
Birth of son | 15 Jan 1891 | Roland Parker Shelley; Kerang, VIC18 |
AddressOld | at May 1915 | Mills Road, Gosnells, WA21 |
Death | 22 Feb 1925 | 22,23 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page p215: Given names.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: DOB, POB.
- Parramatta Family History Group, Parramatta Pioneer Register, Volume 2, Settlement to 1920 (Published by Parramatta & District Historical Society Inc., Parramatta, NSW, 2003) -- names of contributors for all items are listed in the book; hereafter called Parramatta FHG, Parramatta Pioneer Register Vol 2; copy in Researcher's Library: Page 206: DOB, POB Yass.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL, hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index; paper copy of search page in Researcher's family history papers, ID0173. Registration No. V18421490 26A/1842 [Arghur (sic) G Shelley], viewed 22 Sep 2013: YOBRegn 1842.
- Jean Caswell Benson, A Wide Spectrum: A picture of the times from 1828 to 1937 as seen by my forebears -- the Stacy, the Caswell, the Shelley and the Harris families (published by Wilkie Watson Publications Pty Limited, Tumut, NSW, 1987); hereafter called Benson, Wide Spectrum; copy in Researcher's Library. Page 117: Address, Memo2.
- Parramatta FHG, Parramatta Pioneer Register Vol 2: p206: Place.
- Benson, Wide Spectrum. p23: Memo1.
- The South Australian Register (published 1836-1931, Adelaide, SA), hereafter called SA Register; accessed via National Library of Australia Trove web site at; copy of article in Researcher's family history papers, ID0173. 13/15/18 Nov 1851, pp 1/1/2: Date, Address. Memo inferred.
- Benson, Wide Spectrum. p117: Address, Memo1.
- Benson, Wide Spectrum. p23: Year, Memo.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: Address and Memo.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: DOM.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p216: YOB, POB.
- Arthur Henry Coopes, The "Western" Shelley Family (Compiled and published by Arthur Coopes, Perth WA, Jul 2005 on CD for family); hereafter called Coopes, Western Shelley Family; CD No. 47 and paper copy in Researcher's Library. Page 7: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOB, POB 'Windsor', state assumed.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p217: DOB, POB.
- Coopes, Western Shelley Family, p27: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp217: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp217.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp215: DOD.
- Parramatta FHG, Parramatta Pioneer Register Vol 2: pPage 206: DOD.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: Given names.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp217: Given names, surname.
Mary Clarissa Walker1
F, ID1432, (17 Nov 1849-5 Nov 1912)
Birth | 17 Nov 1849 | Huddersfield, Yorkshire, ENGLAND2 |
AddressOld | | Arthur George Shelley; 'Quetta Quetta', near Corowa; > Leased sheep station. BEFORE AND/OR AFTER HIS MARRIAGE?3 |
Marriage | 3 Dec 1872 | Arthur George Shelley4 |
Married Name | 3 Dec 1872 | Shelley |
Birth of daughter | 18 Dec 1873 | Hilda Clarissa Maria Shelley; Corowa, NSW5,6 |
Birth of daughter | 10 Apr 1875 | Alice Theresa Shelley; Windsor, NSW?7 |
Birth of son | 15 Jan 1879 | Arthur Percy Shelley; Kerang, VIC8 |
Birth of daughter | 29 Nov 1880 | Maude Mary Shelley9 |
Birth of daughter | 14 Nov 1883 | Lucy Florence Shelley; Kerang, VIC10,11 |
Birth of daughter | 14 Apr 1886 | Jessie Baggely Shelley; Kerang, VIC12 |
Birth of son | 15 Jan 1891 | Roland Parker Shelley; Kerang, VIC10 |
Marriage of daughter | 30 Mar 1899 | Hilda Clarissa Maria Shelley, Louis George B. Brown; Subiaco, WA13 |
Marriage of daughter | 9 Nov 1907 | Lucy Florence Shelley, Halliday William (George) England; Beenup, WA; > One child only.14,15 |
Marriage of daughter | 26 Dec 1910 | Maude Mary Shelley, George Albert Griffiths; Beenup, WA16 |
Marriage of daughter | 29 Oct 1912 | Jessie Baggely Shelley, Ernest Baxter; Subiaco, WA17 |
Death | 5 Nov 1912 | 18 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page 215: Given names and surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: Address and Memo.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: DOM.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p216: YOB, POB.
- Arthur Henry Coopes, The "Western" Shelley Family (Compiled and published by Arthur Coopes, Perth WA, Jul 2005 on CD for family); hereafter called Coopes, Western Shelley Family; CD No. 47 and paper copy in Researcher's Library. Page 7: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOB, POB 'Windsor', state assumed.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p217: DOB, POB.
- Coopes, Western Shelley Family, p27: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp217: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p216: DOM, POM.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p217: DOM, POM.
- Coopes, Western Shelley Family, p27: DOM, POM, Memo.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOM, POM.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp217: DOM, POM.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: DOD.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: Given names.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp217: Given names, surname.
Parker Newton Walker1
M, ID1433
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page 215: Given names and surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: Marriage inferred.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: DOB, POB.
Clarissa Baggely1
F, ID1434
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page 215: Given name and surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: Marriage inferred.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p215: DOB, POB.
Hilda Clarissa Maria Shelley1,2
F, ID1435, (18 Dec 1873-)
Last Edited | | 9 Feb 2021 |
Relationship | | 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page 216: Given names.
- Arthur Henry Coopes, The "Western" Shelley Family (Compiled and published by Arthur Coopes, Perth WA, Jul 2005 on CD for family); hereafter called Coopes, Western Shelley Family; CD No. 47 and paper copy in Researcher's Library. Page 7: Given names, Maiden Surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: Given names.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p216: YOB, POB.
- Coopes, Western Shelley Family, p7: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p216: DOM, POM.
Louis George B. Brown1
M, ID1436
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page p216: 2 given names, initial and surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, p216: DOM, POM.
Alice Theresa Shelley1
F, ID1437, (10 Apr 1875-26 Jun 1876)
Last Edited | | 20 May 2014 |
Relationship | | 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
Birth | 10 Apr 1875 | Windsor, NSW?2 |
Death | 26 Jun 1876 | Gippsland, VIC3 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page p216: Given names.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOB, POB 'Windsor', state assumed.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOD, POD.
Arthur Percy Shelley1
M, ID1438, (15 Jan 1879-7 May 1879)
Last Edited | | 20 May 2014 |
Relationship | | 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
Birth | 15 Jan 1879 | Kerang, VIC2 |
Death | 7 May 1879 | 3 |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page p216: Given names.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOD.
Maude Mary Shelley1
F, ID1439, (29 Nov 1880-24 Jan 1977)
Last Edited | | 20 May 2014 |
Relationship | | 2nd cousin 2 times removed of Lindsay David Graham |
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page p216: Given names.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: Change of surname inferred.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOM, POM.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOD, POD.
George Albert Griffiths1
M, ID1440, (16 Nov 1875-4 Mar 1949)
- Jean Stewart, The Shelley Family (Published by Jean Stewart, Kenmore QLD, Aug 2001); hereafter called Stewart, Shelley Family; copy in Researcher's Library. Page p216: Given names, surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: Given name, surname.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pP216: DOB, POB.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOM, POM.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: DOD.
- Jean Stewart, Shelley Family, pp216: Given names.