William Mitchell Stanley1
M, ID5012, (-31 May 1979)
Last Edited | 31 Jul 2023 |
Marriage | 2 Apr 1955 | Margaret Frances Colman; North Sydney, NSW2 |
Death | 31 May 1979 | Goulburn Base Hospital, Goulburn, NSW; > Death Notice in Canberra Times, 2 Jun 1979, p22: DEATHS STANLEY, W.M. (Bill) — 31st May, 1979 (suddenly) at Goulburn Base Hospital, of 4-39 Combermere Street, Goulburn. Loved brother and brother-in-law of Mary (Mrs Lowe, Canberra), Joan and Jack Young ( Mollymook), Betsy Stanley (Canberra), fond uncle of Sandra Jean Brown (Dalton). and Christopher John Young (Canberra). Aged 57 years. Lest we forget.3 ![]() |
Estate | 14 Jul 1979 | > Advertisement in Canberra Times, 14 Jul 1979, page 39: FOR SALE - PETS & LIVESTOCK RACEHORSES for sale. Racehorses and yearlings, estate the late Bill Stanley. Ph Canberra 479162 or Goulbum 958392.4 ![]() |
Probate | 14 Aug 1979 | NSW; > Probate Notice in Sydney Morning Herald 14 Aug 1979 foreshadowed an application in 14 days for Probate of the Will dated 26 Jan 1972 of William Mitchell STANLEY [late of Goulburn, Contractor] by Mary Broderick LOWE, Margaret Joan YOUNG and Elizabeth Muter STANLEY. Claims on the Estate to be sent to JC Walsh & Sons, Solicitors, 21 Montague Street, Goulburn or their Agents, Murphy & Maloney, Solicitors, 50 Hunter Street, Sydney.5 ![]() |
Family |
Margaret Frances McLean b. 15 Mar 1918, d. 17 Feb 2014 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 10057/1955 [William Mitchell STANLEY + Margaret Frances COLMAN], accessed 30 Jul 2023: Given names, Surname.
- NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 10057/1955 [William Mitchell STANLEY + Margaret Frances COLMAN], accessed 30 Jul 2023: DOM [by reduction], Registration District North Sydney.
- The Canberra Times newspaper, published by Fairfax Media/Australian Community Media, Canberra, ACT, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Canberra Times/Trove; image and paper copy in Researcher's Family History records at ID5012. Source accessed 30 Jul 2023: DOD, POD, Memo.
- Canberra Times/Trove; copies in Researcher's FH records at ID5012. Source accessed 30 Jul 2023: DOAdvert, Memo.
- Sydney Morning Herald, Archives 1955-1995, published by John Fairfax & Sons Ltd, Sydney, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia eResources website at smharchives.smedia.com.au/Olive/APA/smharchive/; hereafter called SMH Archives 1955-1995; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID5012. 14 Aug 1979, accessed 30 Jul 1979: Date of probate notice, Memo..
Samuel Cornish Colman1
M, ID5013, (-4 Jun 1947)
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2023 |
Father | Samuel Cornish Colman d. 22 Apr 1893 |
Marriage | 1901 | Jane O'Leary; Wickham, NSW2 |
Birth of son | 1902 | Alfred S Colman; Wickham, NSW3 |
Birth of son | 1904 | John Charles Colman; Wickham, NSW4 |
Birth of daughter | 1906 | Doreen Mary Colman; Wickham, NSW5 |
Birth of son | 14 Apr 1909 | Samuel Francis (Frank) Colman; Newcastle, NSW6,7,8 |
Birth of son | 1912 | Ernest Cornish Colman; Wickham, NSW9 |
Occupation | 1913 | Plumber, NSW10 |
AddressOld | 1913 | Jane Colman; Maitland-road, Wickham, NSW; > With spouse and children.11 |
Marriage of son | 1929 | John Charles Colman, Maude Thomas; Hamilton, NSW12 |
Marriage of son | 18 Dec 1939 | Samuel Francis (Frank) Colman, Margaret Frances McLean; Goulburn, NSW; > Samuel's first (and only) marriage, Margaret's first marriage.13,14 |
Politics | at 1943 | Newcastle, NSW; > Alderman of Greater Newcastle Council.15 |
(Father of deceased) Death | 10 Sep 1943 | Samuel Francis (Frank) Colman; 3km from Largs, on road to Hinton, NSW; > 1. Died in a truck accident at Singleton Army camp. 2. Personalities article in the Wellington Times, 13 Sep 1943, page 5: Mrs. Jack Spilsbury, of Wellington, received the sad news on Thursday that her brother, Private [actually Sergeant] Colman, had been accidentally killed at West Maitland. No particulars are to hand of the sad event. Mrs. Spilsbury left to attend the funeral. 3. Roll of Honour Death Notice in Sydney Morning Herald, 17 Sep 1943, page 8: COLMAN.—September 10, 1943, accidentally killed, NX81106 Sergeant Francis Colman, beloved husband of Margaret, loved father of baby Anne, loving son of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Colman (Hamilton), and brother of Doreen (Mrs. Stillsbury [actually Spilsbury]), John and Ernest (A.I.F.). Interred Military Cemetery, East Maitland, 11th inst. 4. Extract from Obituary in Catholic Weekly, 30 Sep 1943, page 7: Sergeant S. F. Colman Sergeant Samuel Francis (Frank) Colman, AIF, a well-known school teacher of' the N.S.W. Education Department, and native of Newcastle, was accidentally killed on service early this month. The second eldest son of Alderman and Mrs. S. C. Colman, of Hamilton, Newcastle, he joined the teaching staff of the Education Department at an early age, and was a teacher at Grafton, Muswellbrook, Newcastle, and on the South Coast. At the time of his enlistment he was teacher in charge of Orangeville School, near Camden. In the districts where he resided he was a representative footballer, cricketer and tennis player. Sergeant Colman was 34 years of age. He is survived by a widow (the daughter of Mr. R. J. McLean, Town Clerk of Goulburn, and of Mrs. McLean), an infant daughter (Anne), his parents, and Mrs. D. H. J. Spilsbury (sister), of Wellington; Lieutenant Ernest C. Colman, AIF, and Mr. J. C. Colman of Clovelly (brothers). ... [see Funeral event] 5. In Memoriam, On Active Service, Notice in Sydney Morning Herald, 9 Sep 1944, page 22: COLMAN.—To the memory of our brother Sergeant Frank Colman, accidentally killed September 10, 1943. Inserted by Lieut. and Mrs Ernest Colman. 6. In Memoriam, Roll of Honour, Notice in Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners' Advocate, 9 Sep 1944, page 2: COLMAN.-- In loving memory of my dear husband, Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman, A.I.F., accidentally killed September 10, 1943. Inserted by his loving wife Margaret and daughter Anne. COLMAN.-- In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman, A.I.F., accidentally killed September 10, 1943. Inserted by his loving parents, sister, brothers, Mrs. J. Spilsbury, J. C. Colman, Lieut. E.C. Colman, A.I.F. 7. Roll of Honour (In Memoriam) Notice in Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners' Advocate, 10 Sep 1945, page 2: COLMAN.-- September 10, 1943, accidentally killed. NX81106 Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman, beloved husband of Margaret, loved father of baby Anne, loving son of Mr. and Mrs S. C. Colman (Hamilton), and brother of Doreen (Mrs. Spilsbury), John and Ernest, A.I.F. 8. Roll of Honour (In Memoriam) Notice in Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners' Advocate, 10 Sep 1948, page 2: COLMAN.-- In loving memory of Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman,A.I.F., accidentally killed September 10, 1943. Inserted by his mother and family. Note: There may have been other In Memoriam notices, but these are all that have been located. 16,17,18,19,20 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
(Father of deceased) Inquest | 22 Dec 1943 | Samuel Francis (Frank) Colman; Courthouse, West Maitland, NSW; > The Deputy Coroner, in hearings conducted at the West Maitland Courthouse in Nov and Dec 1943, returned a verdict of accidental death, and undertook to take up with the authorities the location of a telephone pole (struck by the Army vehicle in which the deceased was travelling) on a public road. 1. Article in The Muswellbrook Chronicle, 23 Nov 1943, page 3: LATE SGT. FRANK COLMAN. EVIDENCE AT INQUEST. Evidence that his skull was fractured when a military utility truck in which he was riding struck a telephone post was given at an inquest at West Maitland into the death of Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman (34), formerly teacher at Spring Creek, and a well-known Muswellbrook district cricketer. The inquest was conducted by the deputy-coroner (Mr. E. C. Scarlett). Major C. A. Hill appeared for the Department of the Army, Mr. S. C. Colman (deceased's father) for the relatives, and Sergeant M. Spellman for the police. Dr. J. J. Hollywood said that when he made a post mortem examination of Colman's body he found a compound fracture of the skull on the right side, and lacerations to the brain. Death resulted from shock and haemorrage caused by the lacerations to the brain. Sergeant Roland Westbrook Bracey said he and deceased were in a truck which went to a dance at Hinton on the night of September 9. The driver was Sergeant Manuel. They left Hinton about 11.30 and went to Largs, where a dance was in progress. They were only at Largs about 20 minutes when that dance ended and they left to go back to Hinton and pick up any others there desiring to come back. Sergeant Colman was seated beside the driver. After going round a bend in the road, the truck collided with a telephone post and turned over. Colman was crouched in the front of the truck and, when other military personnel, including a doctor, arrived, they got Colman out, but he was dead. His skull was broken. MODERATE SPEED. The truck was driven at a moderate speed and Sergeant Manuel was perfectly sober. They only had one glass of beer to drink at Hinton. Sergeants Darrell Spencer Porter and Donald Frederick Manuel gave similar evidence. They said the speed of the truck was never more than 25 to 30 miles. The night was very dark. They had a drink at Hinton about 9 o'clock but none afterwards. In reply to Major Hill, Sergeant Manuel said the vehicle was quite all right. He had nothing to drink between the time he left Hinton and the accident. Sergeant M. Spellman said that the accident happened two miles on the Hinton side of Largs. Marks indicated that the truck left the road when taking the bend. The land was cultivated up to the road and the pole would be hard to see. Replying to Major Hill he said the road was narrow, 16 or 17 feet wide. The pole was not painted. The further hearing was adjourned to a date to be fixed to permit the attendance of a military doctor. 2. Article in the Wellington Times, 25 Nov 1943, page 13: THE LATE SERGEANT COLMAN INQUEST INTO DEATH The inquest concerning the death, in a road crash, of Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman, brother of Mrs. Jack Spilsbury, of 'Westholme,' Wellington, has been held, and, as deceased had visited Wellington on a number of occasions, the friends and acquaintances will be interested to hear the particulars of the crash which resulted in his untimely end. Travelling from Largs to Hinton to pick up military personnel from a dance about midnight on September 10, a military truck with four sergeants collided with a pole. It turned completely round. Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman, 34, of Bourke Street, Goulburn, who was seated beside the driver, was dead when he was extricated from the overturned truck. The driver of the truck, Sergeant Donald Frederick Manuel, told the Deputy Coroner (Mr. E. C. Scarlett) at West Maitland Courthouse that he had driven over the road on only one other occasion at night. He was travelling between 20 and 25 miles an hour. He had no recollection of the accident. Sergeant M. Spelman, of West Maitland police, said there was a turn to the left where the accident occurred. Bare cultivated land extended to the roadside on the right-hand side. The farm land was only about six inches below the road surface. The pole would be hard to see against the uncultivated land. The pole was unpainted. Mr. Scarlett adjourned the inquest in order to hear the evidence of the military doctor who attended at the scene of the accident. The late Sergeant Colman was the second son of Mr. S. C. Colman, of Hamilton, an alderman of the Greater Newcastle Council. Prior to his enlistment he was attached to the Education Department, and is survived by a widow and baby daughter. 3. Article in The Muswellbrook Chronicle, 24 Dec 1943, page 1: FARMING ON ROAD Statement at Inquest. A statement that portion of the road between Largs and Morpeth was being cultivated was made at the adjourned inquest at West Maitland court house on Wednesday into the death of Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman, formerly of Muswellbrook, who was killed when a military truck in which he was riding on September 10, struck a telegraph post and turned over. It was stated by the father of deceased that the proclaimed road was 33 feet wide but the gravelled section was only 17 feet wide, also that the pole with which the truck collided was erected on the road. The deputy coroner (Mr. E. C. Scarlett) said he would take the matter up with the authorities. Captain Benjamin Neil Adsett, a doctor in the Australian Field Ambulance, said he arrived at the scene of an accident on the Largs-Hinton road at 1.50 am. on September 10. A tan Army truck was on its side and in the cabin were two men. The driving side of the vehicle was on the ground. One was Sergeant Colman, and he was dead. He had a deep lacerated wound on the right side of his face and a compound fracture of the skull. Sergeant Manuel was the other in the cabin. He was injured and badly shocked. Colman's body was lying across him. "POLE ON ROAD." The coroner, in returning a verdict of accidental death, said it was a most regrettable occurrence. He was satisfied that intoxicating liquor had nothing to do with the accident; that was clearly shown from the evidence. He extended his sympathy to the relatives. Mr. S. C. Colman, of Hamilton, father of deceased, thanked the coroner for his remarks and said no doubt it was a tragic happening. He also thanked the coroner for the courtesy extended to him during the two days of the inquest. "There are several observations I would like to make," added Mr. Colman. "It was stated in evidence that the road at the scene of the accident was 17 feet wide. I have made inquiries from the Shire Clerk and was informed that the width of the proclaimed road is 33 feet. "If the gravelled portion of the road is 17 feet, that will leave eight feet on either side which, according to the evidence, is being cultivated. The question is whether the road is being cultivated with the permission of the council or is it being used without the council's consent." "In regard to the telegraph pole, it was stated in evidence that it was 2ft 6in from the edge of the gravelled road. That means that the pole is on a public road." "Yes," said the coroner. Mr. Colman said the coroner might consider it advisable to suggest that the pole be removed to the edge of the road and painted white to a height of six feet. He was not making that suggestion in any connection with the present matter but in the interest of the travelling public. CAUSE OF ACCIDENT. The coroner asked if the Shire Clerk was fully aware of the exact location of the road. Mr. Colman replied that he told him of the accident, where it had occurred and why he wanted the information. "If the facts are as stated," said Mr. Scarlett, "it is a serious matter. If these facts as stated are put before me in writing, I will take the matter up with the authorities immediately. "If a proclaimed road is being used or purposes other than a road, it should not be permitted. I would have no hesitation in saying that the post should be removed. From the evidence, the post was the cause of the accident.21,22,23 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Death | 4 Jun 1947 | Mayfield, NSW24 |
Funeral | 5 Jun 1947 | T. Moore's Private Chapel, William Street, Hamilton, NSW; > Funeral Notices in Newcastle Sun, 4 Jun 1947, page 6 and Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, 5 Jun 1947, page 2: COLMAN.— The relatives and friends of Mrs. Jane Colman (of 7 Gordon Avenue, Hamilton), Mr. and Mrs. D. H. J. Spilsbury, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Colman, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Colman, the late Sgt. Frank Colman, 2nd A.I.F., and Mrs. M. Colman and families are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved husband, father, father-in-law and grandfather, SAMUEL CORNISH COLMAN, to move from T. Moore's Private Chapel, William Street, Hamilton, TOMORROW (Thursday) AFTERNOON [This Afternoon], at 2 o'clock, for Church of England Cemetery, Sandgate. Motor Funeral. THOMAS MOORE. Funeral Director. Funeral Notice in Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, 5 Jun 1947, page 2: COLMAN.— The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. Colman, Mrs. J. Tudor, Mr. and Mrs. E. Colman, Mr. H. Skinner and Mr. C. Dagwell and families are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved Brother, Brother-in-law and Uncle, SAMUEL CORNISH COLMAN, to move from T. Moore's Private Chapel, William Street, Hamilton, This Afternoon at 2 o'clock, for Church of England Cemetery, Sandgate. Motor Funeral. THOMAS MOORE. Funeral Director.25,26 ![]() |
Burial | 5 Jun 1947 | Church of England Cemetery, Sandgate, NSW; > Extract from Funeral Notice in Newcastle Sun, 4 Jun 1947, page 6: COLMAN.— The relatives and friends ... are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of ... SAMUEL CORNISH COLMAN, to move from T. Moore's Private Chapel at... [2pm on 5 Jun 1947] ... for Church of England Cemetery, Sandgate. Motor Funeral. THOMAS MOORE. Funeral Director. |
Probate | 6 Aug 1947 | NSW; > Probate Notice in Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate 6 Aug 1947 p7 foreshadowed an application in 14 days to Supreme Court of NSW Probate Jurisdiction for Probate of the Will dated 23 Nov 1914 of Samuel Cornish COLMAN [late of Hamilton, formerly of Islington, Retired Master Plumber] by the sole Executrix Jane COLMAN (referred to in the Will as "My dear Wife"). Claims on the Estate to be sent to H. V. Harris, Wheeler & Williams, Proctors for Executrix, Lyndhurst Chambers, Bolton & King Streets, Newcastl. By their Agent D. Lynton Williams, Esq., Challis House, 10 Martin Place, Sydney.27 ![]() Executor & Wife: Jane Colman |
Family |
Jane O'Leary | |
Children | 1. | Alfred S Colman b. 1902, d. 1902 |
2. | John Charles Colman b. 1904, d. 1989 | |
3. | Doreen Mary Colman b. 1906, d. 1992 | |
4. | Samuel Francis (Frank) Colman+ b. 14 Apr 1909, d. 10 Sep 1943 | |
5. | Ernest Cornish Colman b. 1912, d. 1988 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 105274/1992 [Doreen Mary SPILSBURY, parents Samuel Cornish & Unknown], accessed 2 Aug 2023: Father's Given names.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 5206/1901 [Samuel C COLMAN + Jane O'LEARY], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOM, Registration District Wickham.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 8428/1902 [Alfred S COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 18179/1904 [John C COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 9412/1906 [Doreen M COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- Emerson-Elliott (nee Colman), Anne F, Oral, hereafter called Emerson-Elliott AF, Oral. Jan 1988: YOB ca 1908, POB.
- World War 2 Nominal Roll, accessed at https://nominal-rolls.dva.gov.au/, hereafter called WW2 Nominal Roll; Certificate image and paper copy in Researcher's Family History records at DOB, POB.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 20678/1909 [Samuel F COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 31 Jul 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Wickham.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 23784/1912 [Ernet C COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- New South Wales Electoral Roll for 1913, accessed at www.ancestry.com.au, hereafter called NSW Electoral Roll 1913. Accessed 6 Aug 2023: Date, Occupation.
- NSW Electoral Roll 1913. Wickham state electoral district, Islington polling place. Accessed 06 Aug 2023: Date, Address.
- NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 13801/1929 [John C COLMAN + Maude THOMAS], accessed 3 Aug 2023: YOM Registration, Registration District Hamilton.
- Emerson-Elliott AF, Oral. Jan 1988: YOM ca 1941, Memo.
- NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 23283/1939 [Samuel Francis COLMAN + Margaret Frances McLEAN], accessed 31 Jul 2023: DOM [by reduction], Registration District Goulburn.
- Wellington Times newspaper, published since 1889 in Wellington, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Wellington Times/Trove; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID0108. 25 Nov 1943, page 13, accessed 1 Aug 2023: Father's role as per Memo..
- Emerson-Elliott AF, Oral. Jan 1988: YOD 1943, POD Singleton, Memo1.
- Wellington Times/Trove; copies in Researcher's FH records at ID0108. Source accessed 1 Aug 2023: Memo2.
- Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, published by John Fairfax & Sons Ltd, Sydney, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called SMH/Trove; digital and paper copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID0108. Source accessed 2 Aug 2023: DOD, Memo3..
- The Caholic Weekly newspaper, published weekly as The Freeman's Journal from 1850, Catholic Freeman's Journal from 1932 and The Catholic Weekly from 1942 in Sydney, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Catholic Weekly/Trove; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID0108. Source accessed 31 Jul 2023: DOD, POD, Memo4..
- WW2 Nominal Roll, DOD.
- The Muswellbrook Chronicle newspaper, published from 1868 in Muswellbrook, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Muswellbrook Chronicle/Trove; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID0108. Source accessed 1 Aug 2023: POInquest, Memo1..
- Wellington Times/Trove; copies in Researcher's FH records at ID0108. Source accessed 1 Aug 2023: POInquest, Memo2.
- Muswellbrook Chronicle/Trove; copies in Researcher's FH records at ID0108. Source accessed 1 Aug 2023: DOInquest, POInquest, Memo3.
- NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 12094/1947 [Samuel Cornish COLMAN, parents Samuel Cornish & Jane], accessed 3 Aug 2023: DOD [by reduction], Registration District Mayfield.
- The Newcastle Sun newspaper, published from 1916 to 1980 in Newcastle, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Newcastle Sun/Trove; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID5013. Source accessed 4 Aug 2023: DOFuneral, POFuneral, Memo1..
- The Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate newspaper, published weekly from 1858 as The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News, daily from 1876 as The Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate and daily from 1980 as The Newcastle Herald, in Newcastle, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Newcastle MH&MA/Trove; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID5013. Source accessed 4 Aug 2023: DOFuneral, POFuneral, Memo1 & Memo2..
- Newcastle MH&MA/Trove; copies in Researcher's FH records at ID5013. Source accessed 4 Aug 2023: DOPublication, Memo.
Jane O'Leary
F, ID5014
Last Edited | 6 Aug 2023 |
Marriage | 1901 | Samuel Cornish Colman; Wickham, NSW1 |
Married Name | 1901 | Colman |
Birth of son | 1902 | Alfred S Colman; Wickham, NSW2 |
Birth of son | 1904 | John Charles Colman; Wickham, NSW3 |
Birth of daughter | 1906 | Doreen Mary Colman; Wickham, NSW4 |
Birth of son | 14 Apr 1909 | Samuel Francis (Frank) Colman; Newcastle, NSW5,6,7 |
Birth of son | 1912 | Ernest Cornish Colman; Wickham, NSW8 |
AddressOld | 1913 | Samuel Cornish Colman; Maitland-road, Wickham, NSW; > With spouse and children.9 |
(Executor & Wife) Probate | 6 Aug 1947 | Samuel Cornish Colman; NSW; > Probate Notice in Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate 6 Aug 1947 p7 foreshadowed an application in 14 days to Supreme Court of NSW Probate Jurisdiction for Probate of the Will dated 23 Nov 1914 of Samuel Cornish COLMAN [late of Hamilton, formerly of Islington, Retired Master Plumber] by the sole Executrix Jane COLMAN (referred to in the Will as "My dear Wife"). Claims on the Estate to be sent to H. V. Harris, Wheeler & Williams, Proctors for Executrix, Lyndhurst Chambers, Bolton & King Streets, Newcastl. By their Agent D. Lynton Williams, Esq., Challis House, 10 Martin Place, Sydney.10 ![]() |
Family |
Samuel Cornish Colman d. 4 Jun 1947 | |
Children | 1. | Alfred S Colman b. 1902, d. 1902 |
2. | John Charles Colman b. 1904, d. 1989 | |
3. | Doreen Mary Colman b. 1906, d. 1992 | |
4. | Samuel Francis (Frank) Colman+ b. 14 Apr 1909, d. 10 Sep 1943 | |
5. | Ernest Cornish Colman b. 1912, d. 1988 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 5206/1901 [Samuel C COLMAN + Jane O'LEARY], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOM, Registration District Wickham.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 8428/1902 [Alfred S COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 18179/1904 [John C COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 9412/1906 [Doreen M COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- Emerson-Elliott (nee Colman), Anne F, Oral, hereafter called Emerson-Elliott AF, Oral. Jan 1988: YOB ca 1908, POB.
- World War 2 Nominal Roll, accessed at https://nominal-rolls.dva.gov.au/, hereafter called WW2 Nominal Roll; Certificate image and paper copy in Researcher's Family History records at DOB, POB.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 20678/1909 [Samuel F COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 31 Jul 2023: DOB [by reduction], Registration District Wickham.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 23784/1912 [Ernet C COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- New South Wales Electoral Roll for 1913, accessed at www.ancestry.com.au, hereafter called NSW Electoral Roll 1913. Wickham state electoral district, Islington polling place. Accessed 06 Aug 2023: Date, Address.
- The Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate newspaper, published weekly from 1858 as The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News, daily from 1876 as The Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate and daily from 1980 as The Newcastle Herald, in Newcastle, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Newcastle MH&MA/Trove; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID5013. Source accessed 4 Aug 2023: DOPublication, Memo..
Alfred S Colman1
M, ID5015, (1902-1902)
Last Edited | 1 Aug 2023 |
Father | Samuel Cornish Colman d. 4 Jun 1947 | |
Mother | Jane O'Leary |
Birth | 1902 | Wickham, NSW2 |
Death | 1902 | 3 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 8428/1902 [Alfred S COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: Given name, Initial, Surname.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 8428/1902 [Alfred S COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 3618/1902 [Alfred S COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOD Registration, Registration Distict Wickham.
John Charles Colman1,2
M, ID5016, (1904-1989)
Last Edited | 4 Aug 2023 |
Father | Samuel Cornish Colman d. 4 Jun 1947 | |
Mother | Jane O'Leary |
Birth | 1904 | Wickham, NSW3 |
Marriage | 1929 | Maude Thomas; Hamilton, NSW4 |
Death | 1989 | Sydney, NSW5 |
Family |
Maude Thomas |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 18179/1904 [John C COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: Given name, Initial, Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 22763/1989 [John Charles COLMAN, parents Samuel Cornish & Jane], accessed 3 Aug 2023: Given names, Surname.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 18179/1904 [John C COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 13801/1929 [John C COLMAN + Maude THOMAS], accessed 3 Aug 2023: YOM Registration, Registration District Hamilton.
- NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 22763/1989 [John Charles COLMAN, parents Samuel Cornish & Jane], accessed 3 Aug 2023: YOD Registration, Registration District 001 = Sydney.
Doreen Mary Colman1,2
F, ID5017, (1906-1992)
Last Edited | 3 Aug 2023 |
Father | Samuel Cornish Colman d. 4 Jun 1947 | |
Mother | Jane O'Leary |
Birth | 1906 | Wickham, NSW3 |
Marriage | 1937 | David Henry John Spilsbury; Hamilton, NSW4 |
Married Name | 1937 | Spilsbury |
(Sister of deceased) Death | 10 Sep 1943 | Samuel Francis (Frank) Colman; 3km from Largs, on road to Hinton, NSW; > 1. Died in a truck accident at Singleton Army camp. 2. Personalities article in the Wellington Times, 13 Sep 1943, page 5: Mrs. Jack Spilsbury, of Wellington, received the sad news on Thursday that her brother, Private [actually Sergeant] Colman, had been accidentally killed at West Maitland. No particulars are to hand of the sad event. Mrs. Spilsbury left to attend the funeral. 3. Roll of Honour Death Notice in Sydney Morning Herald, 17 Sep 1943, page 8: COLMAN.—September 10, 1943, accidentally killed, NX81106 Sergeant Francis Colman, beloved husband of Margaret, loved father of baby Anne, loving son of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Colman (Hamilton), and brother of Doreen (Mrs. Stillsbury [actually Spilsbury]), John and Ernest (A.I.F.). Interred Military Cemetery, East Maitland, 11th inst. 4. Extract from Obituary in Catholic Weekly, 30 Sep 1943, page 7: Sergeant S. F. Colman Sergeant Samuel Francis (Frank) Colman, AIF, a well-known school teacher of' the N.S.W. Education Department, and native of Newcastle, was accidentally killed on service early this month. The second eldest son of Alderman and Mrs. S. C. Colman, of Hamilton, Newcastle, he joined the teaching staff of the Education Department at an early age, and was a teacher at Grafton, Muswellbrook, Newcastle, and on the South Coast. At the time of his enlistment he was teacher in charge of Orangeville School, near Camden. In the districts where he resided he was a representative footballer, cricketer and tennis player. Sergeant Colman was 34 years of age. He is survived by a widow (the daughter of Mr. R. J. McLean, Town Clerk of Goulburn, and of Mrs. McLean), an infant daughter (Anne), his parents, and Mrs. D. H. J. Spilsbury (sister), of Wellington; Lieutenant Ernest C. Colman, AIF, and Mr. J. C. Colman of Clovelly (brothers). ... [see Funeral event] 5. In Memoriam, On Active Service, Notice in Sydney Morning Herald, 9 Sep 1944, page 22: COLMAN.—To the memory of our brother Sergeant Frank Colman, accidentally killed September 10, 1943. Inserted by Lieut. and Mrs Ernest Colman. 6. In Memoriam, Roll of Honour, Notice in Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners' Advocate, 9 Sep 1944, page 2: COLMAN.-- In loving memory of my dear husband, Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman, A.I.F., accidentally killed September 10, 1943. Inserted by his loving wife Margaret and daughter Anne. COLMAN.-- In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman, A.I.F., accidentally killed September 10, 1943. Inserted by his loving parents, sister, brothers, Mrs. J. Spilsbury, J. C. Colman, Lieut. E.C. Colman, A.I.F. 7. Roll of Honour (In Memoriam) Notice in Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners' Advocate, 10 Sep 1945, page 2: COLMAN.-- September 10, 1943, accidentally killed. NX81106 Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman, beloved husband of Margaret, loved father of baby Anne, loving son of Mr. and Mrs S. C. Colman (Hamilton), and brother of Doreen (Mrs. Spilsbury), John and Ernest, A.I.F. 8. Roll of Honour (In Memoriam) Notice in Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners' Advocate, 10 Sep 1948, page 2: COLMAN.-- In loving memory of Sergeant Samuel Francis Colman,A.I.F., accidentally killed September 10, 1943. Inserted by his mother and family. Note: There may have been other In Memoriam notices, but these are all that have been located. 5,6,7,8,9 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
(Widow) Death | 1988 | David Henry John Spilsbury; Wellington, NSW10 |
Death | 1992 | NSW11 |
Family |
David Henry John Spilsbury b. 1906, d. 1988 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 9412/1906 [Doreen M COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: Given name, Initial, Maiden Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 2157/1937 [David Henry John SPILSBURY + Doreen Mary COLMAN], accessed 2 Aug 2023: Bride's Given names, Maiden Surname.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 9412/1906 [Doreen M COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 2157/1937 [David Henry John SPILSBURY + Doreen Mary COLMAN], accessed 2 Aug 2023: YOM Registration, Registration District Hamilton.
- Emerson-Elliott (nee Colman), Anne F, Oral, hereafter called Emerson-Elliott AF, Oral. Jan 1988: YOD 1943, POD Singleton, Memo1.
- Wellington Times newspaper, published since 1889 in Wellington, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Wellington Times/Trove; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID0108. Source accessed 1 Aug 2023: Memo2..
- Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, published by John Fairfax & Sons Ltd, Sydney, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called SMH/Trove; digital and paper copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID0108. Source accessed 2 Aug 2023: DOD, Memo3..
- The Caholic Weekly newspaper, published weekly as The Freeman's Journal from 1850, Catholic Freeman's Journal from 1932 and The Catholic Weekly from 1942 in Sydney, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Catholic Weekly/Trove; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID0108. Source accessed 31 Jul 2023: DOD, POD, Memo4..
- World War 2 Nominal Roll, accessed at https://nominal-rolls.dva.gov.au/, hereafter called WW2 Nominal Roll; Certificate image and paper copy in Researcher's Family History records at DOD.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 5181/1988 [David Henry John SPILSBURY, parents Henry John & Mildred], accessed 2 Aug 2023: YOD Registration, Registration District 092 = Wellington.
- NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 105274/1992 [Doreen Mary SPILSBURY, parents Samuel Cornish & Unknown], accessed 2 Aug 2023: YOD Registration, Registration District not shown.
Ernest Cornish Colman1,2
M, ID5018, (1912-1988)
Last Edited | 4 Aug 2023 |
Father | Samuel Cornish Colman d. 4 Jun 1947 | |
Mother | Jane O'Leary |
Birth | 1912 | Wickham, NSW3 |
Death | 1988 | Sydney, NSW4 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 23784/1912 [Ernest C COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: Given name, Initial, Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 4855/1988 [Ernest Cornish COLMAN, parents Samuel Cornish & Jane], accessed 3 Aug 2023: Given names, Surname.
- NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 23784/1912 [Ernet C COLMAN, parents Samuel C & Jane], accessed 1 Aug 2023: YOBRegistration, Registration District Wickham.
- NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 4855/1988 [Ernest Cornish COLMAN, parents Samuel Cornish & Jane], accessed 3 Aug 2023: YOD Registration, Registration District 001 = Sydney.
David Henry John Spilsbury
M, ID5019, (1906-1988)
Last Edited | 3 Aug 2023 |
Father | Henry John Spilsbury |
Birth | 1906 | Wellington, NSW1 |
Marriage | 1937 | Doreen Mary Colman; Hamilton, NSW2 |
Address | Nov 1943 | 'Westholme', Wellington, NSW; > Parents (and children?).3 |
Death | 1988 | Wellington, NSW4 Widow: Doreen Mary Spilsbury |
Family |
Doreen Mary Colman b. 1906, d. 1992 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 19586/1906 [David H J SPILSBURY, parents Harry J & Mildred], accessed 2 Aug 2023: YOB Registration, Registration District Wellington.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 2157/1937 [David Henry John SPILSBURY + Doreen Mary COLMAN], accessed 2 Aug 2023: YOM Registration, Registration District Hamilton.
- Wellington Times newspaper, published since 1889 in Wellington, NSW, accessed via National Library of Australia Trove website at http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper; hereafter called Wellington Times/Trove; copies in Researcher's Family History records at ID0108. 25 Nov 1943, p13, accessed 1 Aug 2023: Deceased's sister's address..
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 5181/1988 [David Henry John SPILSBURY, parents Henry John & Mildred], accessed 2 Aug 2023: YOD Registration, Registration District 092 = Wellington.
Henry John Spilsbury1
M, ID5020
Last Edited | 3 Aug 2023 |
Birth of son | 1906 | David Henry John Spilsbury; Wellington, NSW2 |
Family |
Child | 1. | David Henry John Spilsbury b. 1906, d. 1988 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Deaths Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Deaths Index. Registration No. 5181/1988 [David Henry John SPILSBURY, parents Henry John & Mildred], accessed 2 Aug 2023: Father's Given names, Surname.
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, On-line Births Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW BDM Registry, Births Index. Registration No. 19586/1906 [David H J SPILSBURY, parents Harry J & Mildred], accessed 2 Aug 2023: YOB Registration, Registration District Wellington.
Maude Thomas
F, ID5022
Last Edited | 4 Aug 2023 |
Marriage | 1929 | John Charles Colman; Hamilton, NSW1 |
Married Name | 1929 | Colman |
Family |
John Charles Colman b. 1904, d. 1989 |
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Online Marriages Index, URL https://familyhistory.bdm.nsw.gov.au/; hereafter called NSW Online Marriages Index. Registration No. 13801/1929 [John C COLMAN + Maude THOMAS], accessed 3 Aug 2023: YOM Registration, Registration District Hamilton.
Samuel Cornish Colman
M, ID5023, (-22 Apr 1893)
Last Edited | 4 Aug 2023 |
Death | 22 Apr 1893 | Lindsay Street, Hamilton, NSW |
Family |
Child | 1. | Samuel Cornish Colman+ d. 4 Jun 1947 |